αီααα္းαα္ English Learning: America Idioms and Expressions αααွာ call it a day, call the shots, at beck and call αဲα close call α αဲ့ α‘ီαီ...
Primary English { 3 } αေαးα်ားα‘αြα္ αα်ာ αွα့္ ααα΅ါ α ာα α₯္α်ား Simple Past Tense ( V 2) The Simple Past Tense is used for...
αီααα္ English Learning: America Idioms and Expressions αααွာ α‘ေαြး (thoughts) α‘ေျααံαဲ့ α‘ီαီαံα‘αုံးα‘ႏႈα္းα်ားျαα ္αဲ့ to have second thou...
αီααα္ English Learning: America Idioms and Expressions αααွာ ေαာαံုး (ball) α‘ေျααံαဲ့ α‘ီαီαံα‘αုံးα‘ႏႈα္းα်ားျαα ္αဲ့ the ball is in your co...
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