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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Flatmates Episode 21-25

Episode 21: Tim's treat
Tim:    Hiya folks. How's everyone this fine evening?
Alice:   Exhausted! I had to give someone mouth-to-mouth for the first time today!
Helen:  That's so exciting, congratulations! You must feel really proud.
Alice:   Yes I do. How are you Helen?
Helen:  I'm tired, I've been staring at finance textbooks all day.
Michal: I think my head is going to expand from all my studying too.
Tim:     Well, how about a drink at the pub? My treat! Would that make you two feel less worn-out?
Helen:  You paying for all of us? That's not like you.
Alice:   What's come over you?
Tim:     Well let's just say I got a special bonus at work.

Episode 22: Christmas lunch
Alice:    OK, who's for turkey and all the trimmings?
All:        Me!
Helen:   Let's pull the crackers first! Michal pull one with me. Alice, you pull one with Tim.
Tim:      OK, here goes!
Helen:   I won!
Tim:      Ah so did I!
Michal: What did you get?
Helen:   A hat, a key-ring and a joke. Are you ready? OK "What do you get if you cross a stereo with
              a refrigerator?"
All:       We don't know!
Helen:  "Cool music!"
Tim:      Ha ha very funny! Right, ready for another one? "What did one dolphin say to the other one?"
All:        We don't know!
Tim:     "You did that on porpoise!"
All:        Awh! Merry Christmas!

Episode 23: New Year's resolutions
Alice:     Oh it's nearly the New Year. Has everyone got their champagne glasses ready? There's still
               time to think about our New Year's resolutions. Tim, you go first.
Tim:      OK, this year I'm going to work really hard and try and get promoted! What about you, cousin
Michal:  I'm going to give up fast food and be much more healthy. Helen?
Helen:    I've got to start really studying. My finals will be here before I know it. Alice?
Alice:     My resolution is to find love. I want to meet someone who's gorgeous, funny and rich! Look
               look, look, it's almost midnight! Let's start counting down: five, four...
All:         Three, two, one. Cheers, cheers. Happy New Year everyone!
Tim:       Marvellous...

Episode 24: The Stockroom
Manager:  Morning Tim, you look very well turned out today.
Tim:          Thank you. It's a new suit for the New Year. I like to look smart for the customers.
Manager:  Yes. Erm, I need to talk to you about something. I'd like you to work in the stockroom.
Tim:           The stockroom! But...
Manager:  I know, I know. But don't forget the jewellery department will need an assistant manager
Tim:           I don't understand.
Manager:  Well, if you do this for me, I'll make sure you get an interview for the position.
Tim:           Right, so if I work in the stockroom...
Manager:  You'll have a chance of promotion. No guarantees of course.
Tim:           Hmm.can I think about it?

Episode 25: Fast food
Alice:    Ooh, what's that smell? Do I detect cheeseburger and fries? Michal, you disappoint me. What
               happened to all your resolve at New Year?
Michal:  I'm trying to give up fast food but it's just so easy and cheap. I'm really beginning to run out
              of money so I can't afford better food and I'm really missing my mum's cooking and I don't
              know how to cook the way she does and I miss my friends and I don't have a job.
Alice:    Oh Michal, don't cry. Come here pet, let me give you a hug.
Helen:   Michal! Alice! What the hell do think you're doing?

Monday, 14 May 2012

Basis Grammar

What is Grammar?
Grammar is the arts of putting the right words in the right place.

Eight Parts of Speech = ဝါစဂၤ႐ွα€…္α€™်ိဳး။
1. Noun = α€”ာα€™္
2. Pronoun = α€”ာα€™္α€…ား
3. Adjective = α€”ာမဝိေα€žα€žα€”
4. Preposition = ဝိα€˜α€္
5. Verb = ၾကိα€šာ
6. Adverb = ၾကိα€šာဝိေα€žα€žα€”
7. Conjunction = α€žα€™αΊႏၢ( α€…α€€ားဆက္)
8. Interjection = ထာေမဍိတ္။ ထံα‚”αΎα€žα€…α€€ား။

1. What is noun?
Noun is name of things, people, places, animals, plants, activities, concepts, grace, beauty, etc.
ကမၻာေα€•αšα€›ွိ α€žα€€္α€›ွိ၊ α€žα€€္α€™ဲα‚” α€‘α€™α€Š္α€Ÿူα€žα€™ွ်α€€ို (noun) α€”ာα€™္α€Ÿုေα€αšα€žα€Š္။
1. Boy water          2. Girl pencil               3. Dog man        4. Cat woman          5. Computer school
6. Bird monastery      7. Earth Mg mg      8. Sun Ma Tin Shwe

2. What is pronoun?
Pronoun is a noun substitute, take place instead of noun. Words that stand instead of nouns are called Pronouns.
Noun ထစား ရပ္α€α€Š္ေα€žာ ပုα€’္α€€ို (Pronoun) α€”ာα€™္α€…ား α€Ÿုေα€αšα€žα€Š္။
α€₯ပမာ = Su Su is a teacher. She lives in USA.

ထဓိα€€ α€”ာα€™္ α€…ားα€™်ား
α€žα€Š္/α€€ α€€ို/ထား ၏ ၏α€Ÿာ α€€ိုα€š္တိုင္
1. I me my mine myself α€€ြ်ႏွူ္ပ္/ကၽြα€”္ေတာ္
2. We us our ours ourselves ကၽြα€”္ေတာ္တိုα‚”
3. You you your yours yourself α€žα€„္/မင္း
4. You you your yours yourselves α€žα€„္တိုα‚”
5. He him his his himself α€žူ
6. She her her hers herself α€žူα€™
7. They them their theirs themselves α€žူ/α€žူမတိုα‚”
8. It it its its itself ၄င္းတိုα‚”။
9. Who, what, which, that, whose, whom.

3. What is Adjective?
Words that show the quality, quantity and number of nouns are called Adjective.
α€”ာα€™္α€€ို ထထူးျပဳေα€žာပုα€’္α€€ို( Adjective) α€”ာမဝိေα€žα€žα€” α€Ÿုေα€αšα€žα€Š္။
α€₯ပမာ = beautiful girl / Small cat

1. Good clean      2. Bad dirty            3. Glad healthy            4. Sad ill             5. Happy beautiful
6. Sorry ugly       7. Angry clever      8. Patient foolish         9. Thin wild        10. Fat tame
11. We honest     12. Dry wicked      13. Hot many           14. Cold much         15. Warm little
16. Cool few       17. Big dark           18. Small light        19. Old white           20. You black
21. Rich soft       22. Poor hard

4. What is preposition?
Preposition is a relative or function word. Preposition is a word used with a noun or pronoun to show place, time, or method. They put before noun or noun phrase.
Noun ႏွင္α‚” noun phrase α€™်ာ၏ေα€›ွ႕တြင္ထား၍ α€žံုးေα€žာပုα€’္α€™်ားα€€ို (preposition) ဝိα€˜α€္α€Ÿုေα€αšα€žα€Š္။

1. At beyond      2. On with        3. In without      4. Under within       5. Above on behalf of
6. Beside away     7. Behind out of      8. Before together       9. In front of under which
10. After between       11. Inside among      12. Of from         13. To by       14. Around outside
15. Over besides         16. Near according to      17. During till       18. Into until
19. Onto from under       20. Across along         21. Through because of     22. Against beneath

5. What is verb?

Verb is doing word which shows the action of the subject.
Verb (or) predicate is the most important words in the language or sentence; in fact, you cannot make a sentence without Verb. Verb is used to say what people do, speak, action; they express in action.

Five kinds of verb

1. Verb to be α€›ွိျα€–α€…္ၾကိα€šာ
2. Verb to do ျပဳα€œုပ္ၾကိα€šာ
3. Verb to have α€™ွာα€›ွိၾကိα€šာ
4. Adjective verb adjective တြဲၾကိα€šာ
5. Helping verb ထကူၾကိα€šာ

Some of verbs
1. Go         went       gone       going
2. Begin    began     begun      beginning
3. Come    came      come       coming
4. Bring     brought  brought   bringing
5. Put          put        put          putting
6. Set          set        set           setting
7. Bite         bit       bitten        biting
8. Forget    forgot     forgotten f   orgetting

6. What is Adverb?
The words that go with verbs are called Adverb. An adverb goes with a verb to tell how, when, why, or where an action takes place, (manner, time, reason and place).

1. Quickly       2. Slowly       3. Loudly      4. Noisily        5. Sadly
6. Rapidly       7. Eagerly      8. Bravely     9. Carefully    10. Happily
11. Thoroughly  12. Fluently  13. Deeply   14. Honestly    15. Clearly
16. Heartily      17. Firmly     18. Absolutely   19. Immediately   20. Beautifully
21. Weakly    22. Well     23. Fast    4. Late     25. Her

7. What is conjunction?
Conjunctions are words that join together words, phrases or sentences.
They are like the links that join together railway wagons. So conjunction is a word used to connect words or clauses.
1. After still
2. Although however
3. And both… and
4. As as well as
5. Because and…also
6. Before not only…but also
7. But either…or
8. For neither…nor
9. In order that otherwise
10. If nevertheless
11. Like therefore
12. Now not because…but because
13. Once as much as
14. So provided that
15. So that on condition that
16. Or in order that
17. Than as if
18. That as though
19. Though even
20. Till even if
21. Unless since
22. Until as long as
23. When that may
24. Whether so( Adj/Adv) that
25. While lest

8. What is Interjection?

Interjection is to say something suddenly as an interruption.
႐ုတ္တရက္၊ ထထိတ္ α€α€œွα€”္α‚” ျα€–α€…္ေα€•αšα€œာေα€žာခံα€…ားα€™ွဳα€™်ားα€€ိုေα€–αšျပေα€žာ α€…α€€ားα€…ုα€™်ားα€€ို၊(interjection) ထာေမဍိတ္α€…α€€ားα€Ÿုေα€αšα€žα€Š္။
1. Oh my god! ထမေα€œးα€˜ုα€›ားေα€›။
2. Oh dear! ထိုα‚”..α€’ုကၑ။
3. Thank God!! ေတာ္ေα€žးတာေပါα‚”။
4. Bravo! ခ်ီးα€€်ဴးα€žံ။
5. Hell! ေα€Ÿး။
6. What a pretty girl! α€Ÿား…α€œွα€œိုα€€္တဲα‚”ေα€€ာင္α€™ေα€œး။
7. How dirty! α€Šα€…္ပတ္α€œိုα€€္တာα€œြα€”္ေα€›ာ။
8. What a good idea! α€žိပ္ေα€€ာင္းတဲ႔ၾကံပဲေα€Ÿα‚”။
9. Oh mother! ထေα€™ေα€œး…။
10. Ouch! ထား.။
11. Hey! ေα€Ÿα‚”။
12. Alas! α€‘α€œိုေα€œး။

Verb to be = α€›ွိ / ျα€–α€…္ၾကိα€šာ
1. Am = α€›ွိα€žα€Š္။ ျα€–α€…္α€žα€Š္။
2. Is
3. Are
4. Was
5. Were
6. Be
7. Being
8. been
9. Shall be
10. Should be
11. Will be
12. Would be
13. Can be
14. Could be
15. May be
16. Might be
17. Must be
18. Ought to be
19. Used to be

1. Am able to be = ျα€–α€…္ႏိုင္α€žα€Š္။
2. Is able to be        3. Was able to be      4. Were able to be        5. Shall be able to be
6. Will be able to be

1. Am about to be = ျα€–α€…္ေတာα‚”α€™α€œိုα‚”
2. Is about to be     3. Was about to be      4. Were about to be

1. Am going to be = ျα€–α€…္α€œိα€™္α‚”α€™α€Š္။
2. Is going to be       3. Are going to be        4. Was going to be       5. Were going to be

1. Has to be = ျα€–α€…္α€›α€žα€Š္။ျα€–α€…္α€›α€™α€Š္။
2. Have to be      3. Had to be        4. Had to be     5. Shall have to be       6. Will have to be

1. Wants to be = ျα€–α€…္ခ်င္α€žα€Š္။
2. Want to be     3. Wanted to be       4. Wanted to be        5. Shall want to be      6. Will want to be

1. Wants (α€€ို) to be ျα€–α€…္ေစခ်င္α€žα€Š္။
2. Wants(α€€ို) to be      3. Wanted (α€€ို) to be         4. Wanted (α€€ို) to be       5. Shall want (α€€ို) to be
6. Will want (α€€ို) to be

1. Seem to be = ျα€–α€…္ပံုေα€•αšα€žα€Š္။
2. Seem to be        3. Seemed to be       4. Seemed to be

Verb to have = α€™ွာα€›ွိၾကိα€šာ

1. Has = α€™ွာα€›ွိα€žα€Š္။
2. Have
3. Had
4. Shall have
5. Will have
6. Should have
7. Would have
8. May have
9. Might have
10. Can have
11. Could have
12. Must have
13. Should have
14. Ought have
15. Used to have
16. Is able to have = α€™ွာα€›ွိႏိုင္α€žα€Š္။
17. Are able to have
18. Was able to have
19. Were able to have
20. Shall be able to have
21. Will be able to have

1. Is going to have = α€™ွာα€›ွိα€œိα€™္α‚”α€™α€Š္။
2. Are going to have         3. Was going to have           4. Were going to have

1. Has to have = α€™ွာα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။
2. Have to have      3. Had to have     4. Had to have      5. Shall have to have     6. Will have to have

1. Wants to have = α€™ွာα€›ွိခ်င္α€žα€Š္။
2. Want to have       3. Wanted to have      4. Wanted to have      5. Shall want to have
6. Will want to have

1. Wants (α€™ွာ) to have = ေစခ်င္α€žα€Š္။
2. Want (α€™ွာ) to have        3. Wanted (α€™ွာ) to have        4. Wanted (α€™ွာ) to have
5. Shall want (α€™ွာ) to have       6. Will want (α€™ွာ) to have

1. Seems to have = α€™ွာα€›ွိပံုေα€•αšα€žα€Š္။
2. Seem to have          3. Seemed to have         4. Seemed to have

Verb to do = ျပဳα€œုပ္ၾကိα€šာ

1. Learns = α€žα€„္α€šူα€žα€Š္။
2. Learn        3. Learnt       4. Learnt       5. Shall learn        6. Will learn         7. Should learn
8. Would learn      9. May learn         10. Might learn         11. Can learn         12. Could learn
13. Must learn      14. Should learn    15. Ought to learn    16. Used to learn

1. Am able to learn         2. Is able to learn           3. Are able to learn      4. Was able to learn
5. Were able to learn       6. Shall able to learn      7. Will able to learn

1. Am about to learn      2. Is about to learn       3. Are about to learn       4. Was about to learn
5. Were about to learn

1. Am going to learn          2. Is going to earn         3. Are going to learn       4. Was going to learn
5. Were going to learn

1. Am to learn         2. Is to learn        3. Are to learn       4. Was to learn       5. Were to learn

1. Has to learn     2. Have to learn     3. Had to learn       4. Had to learn      5. Shall have to learn
6. Will have to learn  

1. Wants to learn       2. Want to learn       3. Wanted to learn       4. Wanted to learn
5. Shall want to learn        6. Will want to learn

1. Wants (α€€ို) to learn       2. Want (α€€ို) to learn       3. Wanted (α€€ို) to learn
4. Wanted (α€€ို) to learn     5. Shall want (α€€ို) to learn      6. Will want (α€€ို) to learn

1. Makes (α€€ို) learn      2. Make (α€€ို) learn    3. Made (α€€ို) learn       4. Shall make (α€€ို) learn
5. Will make (α€€ို) learn

1. Lets (α€€ို) learn     2. Let (α€€ို) learn      3. Let (α€€ို) learn
4. Let (α€€ို) learn       5. Shall let (α€€ို) learn      6. Will let (α€€ို) learn

1. Seems to learn    2. Seem to learn    3. Seemed to learn    4. Seemed to learn

1. Dares to learn = α€žα€„္ဝံα‚”α€žα€Š္။ α€žα€„္α€›ဲα€žα€Š္။
2. Dare to learn      3. Dared to learn      4. Dared to learn     5. Shall dare to learn
6. Will dare to learn

1. Needs to learn = α€žα€„္α€˜ိုα‚”α€œိုα€žα€Š္။
2. Need to learn       3. Needed to learn      4. Needed to learn     5. Shall need to learn
6. Will need to learn

Adjective verb = α€”ာမဝိေα€žα€žα€” ၾကိα€šာ
1. Is happy     2. Are happy     3. Was happy     4. Were happy     5. Shall be happy
6. Will be happy    7. Should be happy      8. Would be happy      9. May be happy
10. Might be happy     11. Can be happy   12. Could be happy     13. Should be happy
14. Ought to be happy  15. Used to be happy

1. Am able to happy     2. Is able to happy     3. Was able to happy  4. Were able to happy
5. Shall be able to happy     6. Will be able to happy

1. Am is going to be happy    2. Are going to be happy     3. Was going to be happy
4. Were going to be happy

1. Wants to be happy      2. Want to be happy      3. Wanted to be happy
4. Wanted to be happy    5. Shall want to be happy      6. Will want to be happy

1. Wants (α€€ို) to be happy        2. Want (α€€ို) to be happy       3. Wanted (α€€ို) to be happy
4. Wanted (α€€ို) to be happy      5. Shall want ( α€€ို) to be happy     6. Will want (α€€ို) to be happy

1. Makes (α€€ို) happy       2. Make (α€€ို) happy        3. Made (α€€ို) happy
4. Made (α€€ို) happy        5. Shall make (α€€ို) happy     6. Will make (α€€ို) happy

1. Seems happy      2. Seem happy      3. Seemed happy      4. Seemed happy

Daw Nilarkyaing B.A.History.
Ref: αΎα€€α€š္စင္α€€ေα€œး (ေα€›α€”ံα‚”α€žာ)

ဆရာα‚€α€€ီး α€₯ီးျα€™α‚€α€€ိဳင္ႏွင့္ ထင္တာα€—်ဴး

ေα€™း - ဆရာα‚€α€€ီး ဦးျα€™α‚€α€€ိဳင္ခင္α€—်ာ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္ၿပီး ဆရာ့α€€ို α€žα€„္ၾကား α€œα€™္းၫႊα€”္ ေပးခဲ့ ၾကတဲ့ ဆရာ၊ ဆရာα€™ α‚€α€€ီးα€™်ား α€‘α€™α€Š္α€€ို α€žိပါα€›ေα€…။

ေျα€– - ဆရာα‚”α€˜α€ တစ္ေα€œွ်ာα€€္α€™ွာ ဆရာေတြα€€ေတာ့ ထမ်ားα‚€α€€ီးပဲေပါα‚”။ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္ၿပီး ဆရာ့α€€ုိ α€œူα€œား ေျα€™ာα€€္ေထာင္၊ ေα€œာα€€္ေα€œာα€€္ α€œားα€œား ျα€–α€…္ေထာင္ α€œုပ္ေပးခဲ႔တဲα‚” ဆရာေတြ α€€ေတာ့ ေα€œးေα€šာα€€္ေပါ့။ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီး ဦးခင္ေα€™ာင္α€œα€္၊ ဆရာα€™α‚€α€€ီး ေα€’αšα€α€„္α€™်ဳိးခ်α€…္၊ α€…ာေα€›းဆရာ ထင္α€œα€„္း (ဦးα€žိα€”္းေα€™ာင္)၊ ေα€”ာα€€္ ထိႏၡိα€šα€€ ဆရာ Mr. Das တုိα‚” ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
ေα€™း - ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€€ုိ ဆရာ စတင္ ေα€œα‚”α€œာခဲ႔ခ်ိα€”္တုα€”္းα€€ ဆရာ ေα€œ့α€œာခဲ့ရတဲ့ ထေျခထေα€”၊ ထခ်ိα€”္α€€ာα€œ ေတြα‚•α‚€α€€ံဳခဲ့ ရတဲ့ ထခက္ထခဲေတြα€€ုိ ေျပာျပေပးပါ ခင္α€—်ာ။

ေျα€– - ဆရာတုိα‚” ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€€ုိ စတင္ေα€œ့α€œာတဲ့ ထခ်ိα€”္α€€ တုိ႔တုိင္းျα€•α€Š္α€™ွာ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€€ုိ α€…ိတ္မ၀င္α€…ားα€˜ူး။ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€œုိေျပာရင္ α€œူα€›α€š္α€…α€›ာျα€–α€…္α€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီα€œုိα€œူα€™်ဳိးα€€ုိ α€™်ဳိးခ်α€…္α€…ိတ္ α€™α€›ွိα€˜ူးα€œုိα‚”α€œα€Š္း ထင္α€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီα€œုိα€™်ဳိး ဆရာတုိα‚” ရင္ဆုိင္ခဲ့ α€›α€α€š္။ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ ဆရာα€€ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာ ထရမ္း တတ္ခ်င္α€α€š္။ ထဂၤα€œိပ္၀တၳဳေတြ ထရမ္းဖတ္ခ်င္α€α€š္၊ ကမၻာ့α€—α€Ÿုα€žုတေတြ ေα€œ့α€œာခ်င္α€α€š္၊ ထဲα€’ါေၾကာင့္ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€€ုိ ဆရာ α€žα€„္ခဲ့တာပါ။ ဆရာα€œα€Š္း ထေα€œွာင္ခံရပါα€α€š္။ ထေα€œွာင္ခံα€› ေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€˜ာα€™ွေတာ့ α€™ျα€–α€…္ပါα€˜ူး။ α€€ုိα€š္α‚€α€€ိဳα€€္တာ α€€ုိα€š္α€œုပ္တဲ႔ထတြα€€္ α€˜α€š္α€žူα€”ဲα‚”α€™ွα€œα€Š္း α€›α€”္α€™ျα€–α€…္ပါα€˜ူး။ ေα€”ာα€€္တစ္ခု ထခက္ထခဲα€€ ထဲα€’ီ ထခ်ိα€”္တုα€”္းα€€ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာ ဖတ္ခ်င္ေα€•α€™α€š့္ ဖတ္ခ်င္တုိင္း ဖတ္α€œုိα‚”α€™α€›α€˜ူး။ ထဲα€’ီေတာ့ ဆရာေပးတဲ့ α€…ာထုပ္ေα€œာα€€္ပဲ ဖတ္α€›α€α€š္ေပါα‚”။ တစ္ျခားα€Ÿာေတာ့ α€œုိα€€္α€›ွာα€œုိα‚” α€™α€œြα€š္တဲ့ ထေျခထေα€” ျα€–α€…္α€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီ ထခက္ထခဲေတြ α€›ွိခဲ့ပါα€α€š္။

ေα€™း - ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€”ဲ႔ပတ္α€žα€€္ၿပီး ဆရာ့ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီးα€™်ားα€›ဲα‚• ဆုံးα€™αΎα€žα€ါα€’α€™်ားα€€ုိ α€žိပါα€›ေစခင္α€—်ာ။

ေျα€– - α€’ီေα€™းခြα€”္းα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œုိα‚” ေျပာရရင္ ဆုံးα€™αΎα€žα€ါα€’ေတြα€€ ထမ်ားα‚€α€€ီးေပါα‚”။ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š္α‚” ဆရာ့α€˜α€ ေျပာင္းα€œဲ α€œာတာα€€ေတာα‚” ဆရာα‚€α€€ီး ဦးခင္ေα€™ာင္α€œα€္α€”ဲα‚” ဆရာα€™α‚€α€€ီး ေα€’αšα€α€„္α€™်ဳိးခ်α€…္တုိα‚” ေα€›းတဲα‚” `ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာ တတ္α€œုိေα€žာ္´ ႏွင္α‚” `α€…ာထုပ္စင္ေα€€်းဇူး´ ဆုိတဲα‚” α€…ာထုပ္ေတြပဲ။ ထဲα€’ီ α€…ာထုပ္ေတြထဲα€™ွာ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္တဲα‚” α€Šႊα€”္ၾကားခ်α€€္ေတြ ထမ်ားα‚€α€€ီးပါα€α€š္။ ဆရာေတြα€›ဲα‚• ထႀကံေပးခ်α€€္ေတြ ေျပာရရင္ေတာα‚” α€…ာထုပ္တစ္ထုပ္α€œုံးပဲ ျα€–α€…္α€žြားေတာ့ α€™ွာေပါα‚”။ ၿခံဳငုံေျပာရရင္ေတာ့ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာတတ္ခ်င္ရင္ တစ္ဖတ္α€α€Š္းဖတ္၊ တစ္α€™ွတ္α€α€Š္းα€™ွတ္။ ဖတ္ေα€”α€›α€™α€š္၊ α€™ွတ္ေα€”α€›α€™α€š္။ α€€ုိα€š္႔ထက္ တတ္တဲα‚”α€žူα€”ဲα‚” ေတြ႕ရင္ ေα€™းျα€™α€”္းα€…ုံα€…α€™္းေပါ့။ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီးα€€ေတာ့ α€’ီα€œုိပဲα€Šႊα€”္းα€α€š္။

ေα€™း - ဆရာα€…ာα€žα€„္တဲ့ ထခါα€™ွာ ဆရာα€€ုိα€š္တုိင္ တီထြင္ထားတဲ့ Condensed Composition α€‡α€šား α€€α€’္ျပားေα€œးα€€ုိ ထရင္ဆုံး α€žα€„္ၾကားေα€œ့ α€›ွိα€α€š္ဆုိတာ α€žိရပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‡α€šားα€€α€’္ျပားေα€œးα€€ုိ ကၽြα€™္းα€€်င္α€žြားရင္ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€€ုိ ထတုိင္းထတာ တစ္ခုထထိ တတ္ေျα€™ာα€€္ α€žြားαΎα€€α€α€š္α€œုိα‚” ၾကားα€žိရပါα€α€š္ ဆရာ၊ α€’ီα€‡α€šားα€€α€’္ေα€œးα€›ဲα‚• α€‘α€žုံး၀င္ပုံα€”ဲα‚” ဆရာα€˜α€š္α€œုိ α‚€α€€ိဳးα€…ား တီထြင္ ခဲ့α€›α€α€š္ဆုိတာ α€›ွင္းျပ ေပးပါဆရာ။

ေျα€– - ျα€–α€…္ပုံα€€ α€’ီα€œုိα€—်။ ဆရာတုိα‚” ဆရာα‚€α€€ီး ဦးα€žိα€”္းေα€™ာင္α€€ Grammar α€žα€„္α€α€š္။ ေျခာα€€္α€œα€†ုိရင္ Grammar တစ္ပတ္ၿပီးα€α€š္။ ဆရာ Grammar α€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္ၿပီး ေα€œးႏွα€…္ေα€œာα€€္ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီးဆီα€™ွာ α€žα€„္α€α€š္။ ဆရာα€œဲ α‚€α€€ိဳးα€…ားၿပီး α€œုပ္α€α€š္။ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€™ေပါα€€္α€œာα€˜ူး။ α€…ာဖတ္α€α€š္၊ ေα€”ာα€€္ Grammar α€”ဲα‚” α€…ာα€œα€Š္း မတြဲα€™ိေα€žးα€˜ူး။ ထဲα€’ီα€œုိ ဆရာ့α€™ွာ α‚€α€€ံဳα€›α€α€š္ ေပါ့α€—်ာ။ α€’ီα€œုိα€”ဲα‚” ဆရာတုိα‚” ျဖတ္α€žα€”္းα€œာၿပီး α€€ိုးα€†α€š့္ႏွα€…္ခုႏွα€…္ ထိႏၡိα€šα€€ေα€” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာျα€•α€Š္α€€ုိ ျပန္ေα€›ာα€€္α€œာေတာ့ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားေတြα€€ုိ α€…ာα€…α€žα€„္α€žα€„္ျခင္း α€€ေတာ့ Grammar α€žα€„္တာပါပဲ။ Grammar α€žα€„္ေတာ့ ထဲα€’ီတုα€”္းα€€ A.J Thomsam α€”ဲα‚” Martinet တုိα‚”α€›ဲα‚• Pocket Grammar α€…ာထုပ္ေα€œးα€€ုိ ထေျခခံၿပီးေတာ့ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာ α€žα€„္α€α€š္။ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žား ေα€œးငါးα€›ွα€…္ေα€šာα€€္ေα€œာα€€္ ရပါα€α€š္။ ၿပီးေတာ့ ထြα€€္ေျပး α€€ုα€”္ၾကတာပဲ။ တစ္ေα€šာα€€္ပဲ α€€်α€”္α€α€š္။ α€’ီ Grammar Method α€€ α€™ျα€–α€…္ႏုိင္α€˜ူးဆိုတာ ဆရာ α€žြားေတြα‚• α€›α€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီေတာα‚” α€’ီထက္ပုိၿပီး α€€်α€…္α€œ်α€…္တဲα‚” တစ္ထုိင္α€α€Š္း ထၿပီးα€žိႏုိင္တဲ့α€Ÿာα€™်ဳိး α€›ွိα€™ွျα€–α€…္α€™α€š္။ Grammar α€€ုိ ေတာα€€္ေα€œွ်ာα€€္ α€žα€„္α€›ုိးα€€ုα€”္ေထာင္α€žα€„္ရင္ α€˜α€š္α€žူα€™ွ တတ္α€™ွာα€™α€Ÿုတ္α€˜ူးဆုိတာ α€žြားေတြα‚•α€›α€α€š္။ α€’ါဆုိရင္ α€˜α€š္α€œုိ α€œုပ္ရင္ ေα€€ာင္းα€™α€œဲα€œုိα‚” α€…α€₯္းα€…ားၿပီးေတာα‚” α€…ာထုပ္ေတြ α€œုိα€€္ဖတ္α€›α€α€š္ ေပါα‚”ေα€œ။ ေα€œး၊ ငါး၊ α€†α€š္ထုပ္မကတဲ့ α€…ာထုပ္ေတြ ေတာ္ေတာ္α€™်ားα€™်ား α€œုိα€€္ဖတ္α€›α€α€š္ ေပါ့ေα€œ။ α€…ာဖတ္ၿပီး ေα€”ာα€€္ α€žြားၿပီးျမင္တာ၊ α€žြားၿပီးေတြ႕တာα€€ Grammar ထတုိင္း α€žα€„္α€œိုα‚”ေတာ့ α€˜α€š္α€œုိα€™ွ α€™ျα€–α€…္ႏုိင္α€˜ူး။ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားေတြα€€ုိ Composition α€€ုိ α€žα€„္α€›α€™ွာေပါα‚”ေα€œ။ Grammar α€€ ထဓိα€€α€™α€Ÿုတ္α€˜ူး။ α€…ာေၾကာင္းတစ္ေၾကာင္း α€˜α€š္α€œုိ α€α€Š္ေဆာα€€္α€žα€œဲ ဆုိတာ α€žိခ်င္α€α€š္။ ဆရာα€žα€„္ခဲ့ ရတဲ့ α€…ာထုပ္ေတြα€€ုိ ျပန္ေα€œ့α€œာα€α€š္။ Grammar α€žα€„္α€›ုိးα€€ုိေတာ့ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီးα€€ ထတိထက် α€žα€„္တာα€€ုိးα€—်။ ထဲα€’ီေတာ့ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီးဆီကပဲ Sentence ငါးα€™်ဳိးα€€ုိ ျပန္ေတြα‚• ၿပီးေတာ့ Phrase ေတြ Clause ေတြ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီးα€€ α€žα€„္ေပးα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီ α€…ာထုပ္ေα€œးα€€ုိ ျပန္ေα€œ့α€œာα€α€š္ ေပါ့α€—်ာ။ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီး ထုတ္ထားတဲ့ Aid to English ဆုိတဲα‚” α€…ာထုပ္α€€ုိ ေα€œ့α€œာရင္းα€”ဲα‚” ထဆက္ထစပ္ ေα€œးေတြ ျပန္α€›α€œာα€α€š္။ α€žူခ်α€Š္းပဲေတာ့ α€™α€›α€˜ူး။ တစ္ခုα€”ဲ႔တစ္ခု ခ်ိတ္ဆက္α€€ေα€œးေတြ α€›ွိα€™α€š္α€œုိα‚” ဆရာျမင္α€œာα€α€š္။ α€€ုိα€š္α€€α€œα€Š္း Grammar α€…ာထုပ္ေတြဖတ္ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားα€α€š္။ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားေနတဲ့ ထခ်ိα€”္ေတြα€™ွာ ထိပ္α€œုိα‚”ေα€€ာင္းေα€€ာင္း α€™ေပ်ာ္α€˜ူး။ α€Šα€α€…္ေα€›းႏုိးα€€် Idea ေα€•αš ထေα€›း၊ idea တစ္ခုထပ္ေα€•αš ထေα€›း၊ idea တစ္ခုထပ္ေα€•αš ထေα€›း၊ ထဲα€’ီα€œုိα€”ဲ႔ပဲ ထေျခခံထားျဖင့္ α€…ာထုပ္ပါးေα€œး တစ္ထုပ္ ျα€–α€…္α€œာα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီ α€…ာထုပ္ေα€œးα€™ွာပဲ ထေျခခံ sentence ငါးα€™်ဳိး၊ phrase ေတြ၊ clause ေတြ၊ ed/en ေတြ၊ to + V1, it α€…α€žα€Š္ျဖင့္ ေပါα‚”ေα€œ α€žိα€œာα€α€š္။ Composition α€™ွာ ပါေနတဲ့ ထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္ေတြ ေα€”ာα€€္ ထပ္α€€ာထပ္α€€ာ α€žြားေတြα‚•α€œာေတာα‚” α€’ါေα€œးေတြα€€ ထဓိα€€ key ထခ်α€€္ေတြပဲα€œုိα‚” α€žိα€œာα€α€š္။ α€žိα€œာေတာα‚” α€…ာထုပ္ျပဳα€…ုα€œုိ္α€€္α€α€š္။ ေα€€်ာင္းα€™ွာ α€’ီα€…ာထုပ္ခ်α€Š္းပဲ α€žα€„္ရင္ေတာင္ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေα€œးထခ်ိα€”္α€šူα€›α€α€š္။ α€žုံးေα€œးα€›α€€္ေα€œာα€€္ ထခ်ိα€”္α€šူ α€žα€„္α€›α€α€š္။ α€’ါα€”ဲα‚” α€™ျα€–α€…္ေα€žးα€˜ူး။ α€’ီထက္ပုိα€€်ဳံα‚•ေထာင္ α€œုပ္ဦးα€™α€š္ေပါα‚”။ ထဲα€’ီထထဲα€€ေα€” ထုတ္ႏုတ္ၿပီးေတာα‚” ေα€”ာα€€္ဆုံး(၇)ခ်α€€္ပဲ ထြα€€္α€œာα€α€š္။ (၇)ခ်α€€္ပဲ ျα€–α€…္ေα€•α€™α€š္α‚” ထဲα€’ါα€€ုိ ျα€–α€…္α€œာα€–ုိα‚”(၃)ႏွα€…္ေα€œာα€€္ ထခ်ိα€”္α€šူခဲα‚”α€›α€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီ α€‡α€šားα€€ြα€€္ေα€œးα€›α€œာα€α€š္။ Condense of Composition α€Ÿာ α€˜α€š္α€…ာထုပ္ဖတ္ဖတ္ α€’ီခုႏွα€…္ခ်α€€္ပဲ α€žြားေတြα‚•α€α€š္။ α€’ါေတြα€Ÿာ မပါα€™ျα€–α€…္ဆုိတာ α€žြားေတြα‚•α€α€š္။ ထမွα€”္α€™ွα€”္ေတာα‚” ဆရာα€™α€žိတဲ႔ထခ်α€€္ေတြပါပဲ။ ဆရာα€™α€žိေα€žးတဲα‚” ဆရာα€žိေထာင္ α€œုပ္α€œုိα€€္α€α€š္။ ၿပီးေတာα‚” ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားေတြα€€ုိ α€žα€„္ေပးα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီ ထခါα€€်ေတာα‚” ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားေတြα€€ုိ α€’ီα€‡α€šားα€€ြα€€္ေα€œးα€€ုိ α€žိα€žိခ်င္း α€…ာဖတ္α€œုိ႔ရပါα€α€š္။ "Reading is root of the all development" α€œုိ႔ဆုိတဲ႔ထတုိင္း α€…ာဖတ္α€œုိα‚”α€›α€™ွေတာα‚” volcabulary ေတြရၿပီေပါα‚”။ ထဲα€’ီေတာα‚” α€…α€€ားေျပာခ်င္α€œား၊ writing α€œုပ္ခ်င္α€œား၊ ထကုα€”္α€›α€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‡α€šားα€€ြα€€္ေα€œးα€€ ထဓိကထက်ဆုံးပဲ၊ ဆရာα€€ တစ္ထုိင္α€α€Š္း α€”ားα€œα€Š္ႏုိင္ေထာင္ α€œုပ္α€œုိα€€္တာေပါα‚”။

ေα€™း - Language တစ္ခုα€€ုိ ေα€œ့α€œာတဲ့ ေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ Speaking Skill, Listening Skill, Reading Skill α€”ဲα‚” Writing Skill ဆုိၿပီး (၄)ခု α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီ Skill (၄)ခုα€œုံး α€›ေထာင္ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားေတြα€€ုိ α€˜α€š္α€œုိ "Teaching Method" α€™်ဳိးα€”ဲα‚” α€žα€„္ၾကားα€α€š္ ဆုိတာ α€žိပါα€›ေα€…။

ေျα€– - Four Skills α€›ေထာင္ α€˜α€š္α€œုိ Teaching Method α€™်ဳိးα€”ဲα‚” α€žα€„္α€›α€™α€œဲ ဆုိေတာα‚” ကမၻာေα€•αšα€™ွာ α€œα€€္α€›ွိ α€‘α€žုံးျပဳေနတဲ့ Teaching Method α€€ (၈)α€™်ဳိးေα€œာα€€္ α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီထထဲα€™ွာ Literature α€€ုိခံα€…ားα€–ုိα‚”α€€ Grammar Translation Method α€œုိα‚” ေα€αšα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ါα€€ Language α€”ဲα‚” α€žိပ္မဆုိင္α€˜ူး။ Literature α€”ဲα‚” ထမ်ားထားျဖင့္ ဆုိင္α€α€š္။ α€€်α€”္တဲ့ α€Ÿာေတြα€€ေတာ့ Four Skills α€›ေထာင္ ဆရာ Direct Method α€€ုိ α€žုံးα€α€š္။
Direct Method α€”ဲα‚” Audio-lingual Method ဆုိတာ ထခ်ိတ္ထဆက္ α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ ေα€”ာα€€္တစ္ခါ Communicative Language α€žα€„္α€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီ Teaching Method ေတြ ထားα€œုံး ေပါင္းစပ္ၿပီး α€…ာα€žα€„္တဲ့ထခါ α€žုံးα€›α€α€š္။ တုိα€€္ပြဲ တစ္ပြဲα€€ုိ တုိα€€္α€žα€œုိေပါ့။ α€…α€…္တုိα€€္α€”α€Š္းα€€ေတာ့ α€…ာထုပ္ထဲα€™ွာ တစ္ခုၿပီး တစ္ခု ျပထားတာပဲ။ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€œα€€္ေတြα‚” α€…α€…္တုိα€€္ေတာ့ α€’ီတစ္ခုα€α€Š္းα€”ဲα‚” α€™α€›α€˜ူး။ ဆရာတုိα‚” α€œုိထပ္ရင္ α€œုိထပ္α€žα€œုိ ေပါင္းစပ္ α€žα€„္α€›α€α€š္။ α€’ီေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ α€˜ာα€œုိα€™α€œဲ။ Total Physical Respond ဆုိရင္ α€…α€€ားα€œုံး α€žုံးပုံα€žုံးα€”α€Š္းα€€ုိ ခႏၢာα€€ုိα€š္α€œႈပ္α€›ွားα€™ႈα€”ဲα‚” Language α€”ဲα‚” α€žα€„္ေပးα€™α€š္။ Community Language ဆုိရင္ Language α€”ဲα‚” α€‘α€žုိင္းထ၀ုိင္းေα€œး တစ္ခုျα€–α€…္ေထာင္ α€–α€”္တီးေပး ရတာေပါα‚”။ Suggestopedia ဆုိတာ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žား α€žα€€္ေα€žာင့္ α€žα€€္α€žာေα€œး ေα€”α€›ေထာင္ α€žီခ်င္းေα€œးေတြ α€˜ာေα€œးေတြα€”ဲα‚” α€žα€„္α€›α€α€š္။ Silent way α€€ ဆရာα€€ ထမူထရာေα€œးα€”ဲα‚” α€œုပ္ျပရင္ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားေတြα€€ α€œိုα€€္ေျပာတာα€™်ဳိး။ Audio-lingual ဆုိတာ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားα€”ဲα‚” ဆရာ တုိα€€္α€›ုိα€€္ ထျပန္α€‘α€œွα€”္ ေျပာα€œုိα€€္ ဆုိα€œုိα€€္၊ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žား ထခ်င္းခ်င္း ေျပာα€œုိα€€္ α€œုပ္α€›α€α€š္။ Teaching Method α€€ ထမ်ားα‚€α€€ီးပဲ။ α€œုိထပ္ရင္ α€œုိထပ္α€žα€œုိ ေပါင္းစပ္ α€žα€„္α€›α€α€š္။ α€˜α€š္α€Ÿာα€œဲဆုိတာ ဆရာ ထတိထက် α€™ေျပာα€˜ူး။ α€’ါα€Ÿာ 'intuition' ပင္α€€ုိα€š္ ထေတြ႕ထႀကံဳ α€‘α€žိα€”ဲα‚”α€œα€Š္း ဆုိင္α€α€š္။

ေα€™း - α€…ာဖတ္α€›ာα€™ွာ Reading Skill α€”ားα€œα€Š္ေα€…α€–ုိα‚”α€”ဲα‚” တုိးတက္α€–ုိ႔ထတြα€€္ α€˜α€š္α€œုိ α€…ာထုပ္α€™်ဳိးေတြ ဖတ္α€žα€„့္ပါα€žα€œဲ ဆရာ။ ဆရာ့ ေα€€်ာင္းα€™ွာေα€›ာ α€˜α€š္α€œုိ α€…ာထုပ္α€™်ဳိးေတြα€€ို ျα€•α€Œာα€”္း ထားပါα€žα€œဲ။

ေျα€– - Reading Skill α€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œုိα‚”α€€ေတာα‚” ဆရာ့α€›ဲα‚• ဆရာα‚€α€€ီး ေျပာα€žα€œုိပဲ α€€ုိα€š္α‚€α€€ိဳα€€္တာ α€€ုိα€š္ဖတ္ေပါα‚”။ α€œြα€š္တာ၊ α€€ုိα€š့္ထတြα€€္ ႏုိင္တာေα€œး စဖတ္ေပါ့။ ေα€€်ာင္းα€™ွာ ဆရာα€”ဲα‚” ဖတ္တာေတာα‚” ျပႆα€”ာα€™α€›ွိα€˜ူး။ ဆရာα€”ဲα‚” ဖတ္ရင္ ဆရာα€€ α€›ွင္းျပတာα€€ိုး။ α€€ုိα€š္α‚”α€˜ာα€žာ α€€ုိα€š္ဖတ္တာေတာα‚” တစ္ပုိင္းေပါα‚”။ α€œα€€္α€›ွိ ဆရာတုိα‚” ေα€€်ာင္းα€™ွာေတာ့ Junior Reading α€”ဲα‚” Senior Reading ႏွα€…္တန္းခြဲ ထားတာα€€ိုး။ Junior Reading α€œြα€š္တဲ့ ထဲα€€ Ladder Series ေα€œးေတြ၊ Guided Reading ေα€œးေတြ ဆရာα€€ α€…ီα€…α€₯္ထားတဲα‚” Level α€‘α€œုိα€€္ α€…ာထုပ္ေα€œးေတြ Level 1,2,3,4 ထဲα€’ီα€œုိ α€›ွိတာေပါα‚”။ ထဲα€’ီထထဲα€€ α€žα€„္α‚”ေတာ္α€›ာေα€œးေတြ ေα€›ြးα€žα€„္α€α€š္။ Senior Reading α€”ဲ႔ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œုိα‚”α€€ေတာ့ ဆရာα€™α‚€α€€ီး ေα€’αšα€α€„္α€™်ဳိးခ်α€…္ α€…ာထုပ္ေတြ ထကုα€”္ ျα€•α€Œာα€”္းပါα€α€š္။ တတ္α€€်α€™္းေတြ ျα€–α€…္တဲα‚” Nepoleon Hill တုိα‚” Dale Carnige တုိα‚”ေα€›းα€žြားတဲ့ α€…ာထုပ္ေတြ ထဲα€’ါα€™်ဳိးေတြ ျα€•α€Œာα€”္းα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ါေတြα€€ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားေတြα€”ဲα‚” တုိα€€္α€›ုိα€€္ α€žα€€္ဆုိင္α€α€š္။ English α€…ာα€œα€Š္းα€›α€™α€š္။ α€žူတုိα‚”α€˜α€α€‘α€ြα€€္ တုိα€€္α€›ုိα€€္α€‘α€žုံးα€€်တဲα‚” ထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္ ေတြα€™ုိα‚”α€œုိα‚” ထဲα€’ီα€…ာထုပ္ေတြ ဆရာ ျα€•α€Œာα€”္းျခင္း ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။

ေα€™း - Writing Skill တုိးတက္α€–ုိ႔ထတြα€€္ α€˜α€š္α€œုိေα€œα‚”α€€်င္α‚”α€›α€™α€š္ဆုိတာ α€Šႊα€”္ျပေပးပါဆရာ။

ေျα€– - Writing Skill တုိးတက္α€–ုိ႔ဆုိတာα€€ α€žူတုိα‚”α€›ဲα‚• Language Theory α€€ုိα€€ "Writing based on Speaking" ျα€–α€…္α€α€š္။ Speaking α€€ုိ ထရင္ α€”ားα€œα€Š္ေထာင္ α€žα€„္α€›α€α€š္။ α€žα€„္ၿပီးα€™ွ ေျပာတဲα‚”α€…α€€ားα€€ုိ ထပ္ေα€›းခုိင္းတာ၊ ေα€›းခုိင္းတာα€€ေα€” α€…α€žα€„္α€›α€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ါα€™ွ ျα€™α€”္ျα€™α€”္ ေα€›းတတ္α€α€š္။ ထဆင္α‚”ျမင္α‚”ျမင္α‚” ေα€›းα€žြားတာ α€Ÿုိα€˜α€€္ပုုိင္းα€™ွာ flowery ျα€–α€…္ေထာင္၊ idiom ေတြα€”ဲα‚” α€‘α€œွထပေα€›းတာ၊ α€’ါ literature ပုိင္း၊ ဆရာေျပာတဲα‚” Language ဆုိတာ တစ္ေα€šာα€€္α€”ဲα‚” တစ္ေα€šာα€€္ ဆက္ဆံα€–ုိ႔ထတြα€€္ ေα€›းα€›ေတာα‚” Speaking တတ္α€™ွ ေα€›းα€œုိα‚”α€›α€α€š္ေပါα‚”။ ထဆင္α‚”ျမင္α‚” Composition ေတြ α€œုပ္ေတာα‚”α€™α€š္ ဆုိရင္ α€…ာထုပ္ေတြ ထမ်ားα‚€α€€ီးဖတ္α€›ေတာα‚”α€™α€š္။ α€€ိုα€š္တုိင္α€œα€Š္း α€…ာေα€›းဆရာ တစ္ေα€šာα€€္α€›ဲα‚• α€Ÿα€”္ေα€œး၊ စတုိင္ေα€œး α€”ဲα€”ဲα€šူα€™α€š္ေပါα‚”။ ထုံးα€…ံထတုိင္းေတာ့ ဆရာα‚€α€€ီးမင္းα€žု၀ဏ္ ေျပာα€žα€œုိေပါα‚”။ `α€…ု၊ တု၊ ျပဳ´ ေပါα‚”။ ပထမေတာα‚” α€…ာထုပ္ေတြ ထမ်ားα‚€α€€ီးဖတ္α€›α€™α€š္။ ေα€”ာα€€္α€€ုိα€š္တုိင္ တုရတာေပါα‚”။ တုၿပီးα€™ွ α€€ုိα€š္တုိင္ ျပဳα€…ုရတာေပါα‚”။ ထဲα€’ီα€œိုα€”ဲα‚” Writing Skill α€€ုိ တုိးတက္ေထာင္ α€œုပ္ရပါα€α€š္။

ေα€™း - ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€€ို ေα€œα‚•α€œာေနတဲα‚• ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားထမ်ားα€…ုα€Ÿာ α€…ာα€œံုးတစ္α€œံုးα€€ို ၿမန္α€™ာα€œို တစ္α€™ိ်ဳးα€α€Š္း α€™ွတ္ထား တတ္ၾကပါα€α€š္။ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€…ာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာေα€”α€žူေတြ ထေα€”α€”ဲα‚• English Myanmar α€‘α€˜ိဓါα€”္α€€ို α€‘α€žံုးၿပဳα€žα€„့္ ပါα€žα€œား။ English-to-English α€‘α€˜ိဓါα€”္α€€ိုပဲ α€‘α€žံုးျပဳα€žα€„့္ ပါα€žα€œားဆိုတာ α€›ွင္းျပ ေပးပါဆရာ။

ေၿဖ - English α€…ာα€€ိုα€žα€„္တဲ႕ထတြα€€္ English-to-English ပဲေα€€ာင္းပါα€α€š္။ ျα€™α€”္α€™ာထဂၤα€œိပ္တြဲတာα€€ Bilangual Dictionary α€œိုα‚•ေα€αšα€α€š္။ ထဲα‚•α€’ါေတာα‚• α€˜ာα€žာျပန္α€žα€™ားေတြ α€žံုးခ်င္α€œα€Š္း α€žံုးေပါ့။ α€žိုα‚”ေα€žာ္ ဆရာတိုα‚”α€€ English α€˜ာα€žာα€…α€€ားα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာ ေနတဲ့ထတြα€€္ English-to-English Dictionary ပဲα€žံုးα€›α€™ွာ ျα€–α€…္α€α€š္။ α€’ါα€™ွα€žာα€œွ်င္ α€…α€€ားα€œံုး တစ္α€œံုးα€”ဲ႔တစ္α€œံုး ဆက္α€…α€€္α€™ႈα€€ို α€”ားα€œα€Š္α€™α€š္။ α€…α€€ားα€œံုးေတြα€€ို ေα€œα‚•α€œာတဲ႕ထခါ ”Words must be both acquired and mastered not in isolation, but in association" ဆိုတဲ့ α€…α€€ားα€›ွိα€α€š္။ α€…α€€ားα€œံုး ထဓိပၸါα€š္တစ္α€™ိ်ဳးα€α€Š္း ပံုေα€žα€€်α€€္α€œိုα‚” α€™α€›α€˜ူး။ α€₯ပမာ-Myanmar Dictionary α€™ွာ Book α€€ို α€…ာထုပ္ပဲ ေပးထားα€α€š္။ ၿပီးα€žြားၿပီ။ α€…α€€ားα€œံုးα€€ုုိိ Isolation α€œုပ္α€œိုα€€္တာပဲ။ ထဲα€’ီα€œိုα€žα€„္α€œိုα‚” α€™α€›α€˜ူး။ α€…α€€ားα€œံုး တစ္ခုα€”ဲα‚” တစ္ခု ထဆက္ထစပ္္α€”ဲα‚• α€žြားα€›α€™α€š္။ ထုပ္α€…ုတူ တြဲα€›α€™α€š္။ ထမ်ိဳးတူ တြဲα€›α€™α€š္။ association α€”ဲα‚•α€žြားα€›α€™α€š္။ ဆရာ့ idea α€€ေတာ့ English - to - English ပဲဖတ္ေစခ်င္ ပါα€α€š္။

ေα€™း - English α€…α€€ားေျပာα€›ာα€™ွာ α€Ÿα€”္ပန္ထမူထရာα€”ဲα‚• ေျပာျခင္း (Gesture) α€”ဲα‚” α€‘α€žံထတက္ထက် (Intonation)α€€ို ဂရုျပဳα€›α€™α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဆိုၾကပါα€α€š္။ ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€™်ဳိးေတြထဖုိα‚” α€’ီα€Ÿα€”္ပန္ ထမူထရာေတြα€€ုိ ေα€œα‚”α€€်င္α‚”α€–ုိα‚” α€œုိပါα€žα€œား။ Myanmar Accent α€€ုိေα€›ာ ေပ်ာα€€္ေထာင္ α‚€α€€ိဳးα€…ားα€–ုိα‚” α€œုိပါα€žα€œား။

ေျα€– - Gesture ဆုိတာ α€œူα€™်ဳိးတုိင္းα€™ွာ α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ α€€ုိα€š္ေျပာတဲ့α€…α€€ားα€€ုိ α€€ုိα€š့္α€Ÿα€”္ပန္ ထမူထရာα€”ဲα‚” ထပ္ေပါင္းစပ္ တာα€Ÿာ α€œူတစ္α€–α€€္α€žားα€€ုိ ငါးα€†α€š္α€›ာခုိင္ႏႈα€”္း α€”ားα€œα€Š္ေစပါα€α€š္။ α€…α€€ားတစ္α€œုံးα€™ွ α€™ေျပာပဲ ထမူထရာα€”ဲ႔တင္ ေတာ္ေတာ္ α€”ားα€œα€Š္ေနပါၿပီ။ Intonation ဆုိတာα€œα€Š္း α€€ုိα€š့္ Feeling ထေα€•αš α€™ူα€α€Š္တာα€€ုိး။ ေα€’ါα€žα€‘ြα€€္ရင္ ထြα€€္α€žα€œုိ၊ ၀မ္းα€”α€Š္းရင္ ၀မ္းα€”α€Š္းα€žα€œုိ၊ ေα€œα€žံ ထနိα€™့္ထျမင့္ ေα€œးေတြ α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ Original Intonation (English Intonation) ထစစ္α€›α€–ုိα‚”α€€ α€™α€œြα€š္ပါα€˜ူး။ ထတတ္ႏုိင္ဆုံး α‚€α€€ိဳးα€…ားေပါ့။ ေα€”ာα€€္ Myanmar Accent α€€ုိ ေပ်ာα€€္ေထာင္ α‚€α€€ိဳးα€…ားα€–ုိα‚” α€™α€œြα€š္ပါα€˜ူး။ တရုတ္α€€ ထဂၤα€œိပ္α€œုိ ေျပာα€œα€Š္း တရုတ္ Accent ပါα€™ွာပဲ။ ဂ်ပန္ ေျပာα€œα€Š္း ဂ်ပန္ Accent ပါα€™ွာပဲ။ ဂ်ာα€™α€”္ေျပာα€œα€Š္း ဂ်ာα€™α€”္ Accent ပါα€™ွာပဲေα€œ။ ေပ်ာα€€္α€–ုိα‚” α€™α€œြα€š္α€˜ူး။ ပင္ပန္းα€œြα€”္း ထားα‚€α€€ီးပါα€α€š္။ α€™ျα€–α€…္ႏုိင္တာα€€ုိ α€žြားα€™α€œုပ္ပါα€”ဲα‚”။ ေα€”ာα€€္တစ္ခု ဆရာဖတ္α€–ူးတဲ့ α€…ာထုပ္တစ္ထုပ္ထဲα€™ွာ ထဲα€’ီα€œုိ Accent ထမ်ဳိးα€™်ဳိးα€”ဲα‚” English α€œုိေျပာတာα€€ုိα€€ ထေျပာင္းα€‘α€œဲပါတဲα‚”။ ပုိေတာင္ေပ်ာ္α€–ုိα‚” ေα€€ာင္းပါα€α€š္တဲα‚”။ ဆရာတုိα‚” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€…α€€ားα€€ုိ α€›ွα€™္းေတြα€€ α€›ွα€™္းα€žံ၀ဲ၀ဲα€”ဲα‚” ေျပာα€™α€š္။ ကရင္ေတြα€€ ကရင္α€žံ၀ဲ၀ဲα€”ဲα‚” ေျပာα€™α€š္။ α€™ြα€”္ေတြα€€ α€™ြα€”္္α€žံ၀ဲ၀ဲα€”ဲα‚” ေျပာα€™α€š္ဆုိရင္ α€˜α€š္ေα€œာα€€္ ေပ်ာ္α€–ိုα‚” ေα€€ာင္းα€œုိα€€္α€™α€œဲ။ ထဲα€’ီα€œုိပဲ English α€…α€€ားα€€ုိ English α€‘α€žံ တစ္α€žံα€α€Š္းα€”ဲα‚” ေျပာα€™α€š္ဆုိရင္ ပ်င္းα€…α€›ာα‚€α€€ီးပါတဲ့။

Saturday, 12 May 2012

I Will Always Love You

If I
Should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go
But I know
I'll think of you every step of
the way

And I...
Will always
Love you, oohh
Will always
Love you
My darling you

That is all I'm taking with me
So good-bye
Please don't cry
We both know I'm not what you
You need

And I...
Will always love you
Will always love you
You, ooh

[Instrumental / Sax solo]

I hope
life treats you kind
And I hope
you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish you joy
and happiness
But above all this
I wish you love

And I...
Will always love you
Will always love you

I, I will always love
Darling I love you
I'll always
I'll always

Monday, 7 May 2012

The Flatmates Episode 16-20

Episode 16: A kitchen romance

Michal:  Oh Bronka! I'm so miserable! Alice doesn't want to go out with me.
Helen:    Oh sorry, Michal. Am I interrupting something here?
Michal:  No, no, I'm just pouring my heart out to Bronka.
Helen:    Oh yeah, I found out that Alice gave you a knock-back but it's not the end of the world. There are plenty more fish in the sea you know.
Michal:  Fish? I don't want a fish, I want a date!
Helen:    Well, there's someone right in front of you!
Michal:  You're always too busy studying. You wouldn't go out with a guy like me.
Helen:    Oh wouldn't I? Why don't you ask first!
Michal:  Would you?
Helen:    I'd love to!

Episode 17: Booking tickets*

Agent:   Good morning, London Attractions.
Michal:  I'd like to book two tickets for next week. For River Boat cruise please.
Agent:   OK. When?
Michal:  Next Thuesday.
Agent:   Sorry?
Michal: Thuesday.
Agent:   I'm sorry sir, is that Tuesday the first or Thursday the third?
Michal: Thursday the third.
Agent:   Right, and what time would you like?
Michal:  In an evening.
Agent:   Because it's winter, the last trip is at 7.00. Is that OK?
Michal: Yes thanks.
Agent:  OK, just let me put you on hold for a moment please.
* This episode features competition winner Wesley from Sao Paulo, Brazil as the travel agent.

Episode 18: Emergency

Alice:  Oh it's so quiet tonight! You could hear a pin drop. Gives me a chance to catch up on my reading.
Man:   Quick, quick! Get a doctor!
Alice:  She's just gone for a break. What's the matter?
Man:   I don't know. It's my son. He's stopped breathing.
Alice:  Oh no! Wait a minute, I'll just phone for the doctor.
Man:   There's no time. You have to give him mouth to mouth.
Alice:  But I haven't done it before!
Man:   You haven't done it before?
Alice:   No, not for real. Wait while I find the phone.
Man:    No! No, you must do it now!

Episode 19: Tim's reward

Tim: Hello I'm calling from McCarthy's. I helped you when you were looking at watches the other day.
Customer: Yes?
Tim:   I think I've found something of yours. Have you lost anything?
Customer:   Not that I've noticed. No, nothing seems to be missing.
Tim:   Well, you dropped £150!
Customer:   Really!
Tim:   Yes. Now, how can I return your money?
Customer:   Oh how refreshingly honest! But I think a small reward is in order, don't you?
Tim:     Oh I couldn't.
Customer:   You could. I'm sure you have a pretty young girlfriend who needs to be spoiled.
Tim:    No I don't. I'm single just now.
Customer:   A good looking man like you? I don't believe it!

Episode 20: A date by the river

Helen:   Oh Michal, that river cruise was fantastic.
Michal:  It was lovely seeing all those famous buildings, wasn't it?
Helen:   Yes, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye all looked so impressive in the winter light, didn't they?
Michal: You look lovely in the winter light too you know.
Helen:   Oh Michal, you're so sweet.
Michal:  It's true. You're beautiful Helen.
Helen:   You're quite a hunk yourself, you know.
Michal:  That might be true but suddenly I'm feeling a little sea-sick.
Helen:   You do look a bit green. You're not going to throw up, are you?
Michal: Oh yes, I don't feel well. I think I'm going to be sick.
Helen:   Was it something I said?

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Primary English { 4 } Grammar & Poem for Kids

Primary  English  { 4 } 
α€€ေα€œးα€™်ားထတြα€€္   α€€α€—်ာ α€”ွင့္ α€žα€’α΅ါ α€…ာα€…α€₯္α€™်ား
            Present Perfect Tense (V3)
1.       just                        =       α€šα€ု ေα€œးတင္
2.       already                   =       ( ႏွင့္ ၿပီ )

 α€‘α€œုပ္တစ္ခုα€€ို  α‚€α€€ိဳတင္ ( ေα€…ာα€…ီးα€…ြာ)  ၿပီးေၿမာα€€္ထားေα‚€α€€ာင္း ေα€–ာ္αΏα€•α€žα€Š္ ၊
3.       ever                       =       α€˜ူးα€œား ( တစ္α€…ံု တရာα€€ို  α€žိၿမင္ ခံα€…ားα€˜ူးၿခင္း α€›ွိα€™α€›ွိ α€€ို ေα€–ာ္αΏα€•α€žα€Š္။
4.       never                     =       တခါ α€™ွ မၿပဳ ( တစ္α€…ံု တရာα€€ို α€žိၿမင္ α€˜ူးၿခင္း α€›ွိα€™α€›ွိα€€ုိ  ေα€–ာ္αΏα€•α€žα€Š္။
5.       often                      =       α€™α‚€α€€ာခဏ   ( တစ္α€…ံုတရာα€€ို  α€žိၿမင္ခံα€…ားα€˜ူးၿခင္း  α€›ွိα€™ α€›ွိα€€ို ေα€–ာ္αΏα€•α€žα€Š္)
6.       Since                     =       α€€α€α€Š္းα€€
7.       For                         =       ထခ်ိα€”္α‚€α€€ာၿပီ ၊ ( α‚€α€€ာ α€™ွ် )
8.       Lately                     =       ထခုတေα€œာ ၊ α€™α‚€α€€ာα€œွတဲ့ ထခ်ိα€”္ပိုင္းထတြင္းα€™ွာ ၊
          recently                  =       ထခုတေα€œာ ၊ α€™α‚€α€€ာα€œွတဲ့ ထခ်ိα€”္ပိုင္းထတြင္းα€™ွာ၊
9.       Yet                         =       ( ေα€žးα€˜ူး )    αΏα€•ီးၿပတ္ေα€žာα€žေα€˜ာ ၊ ေα€™းခြα€”္းα€”ွင့္  ထၿငင္း၀ါα€€် α€™ွာα€žံုးပါ
10.     once                       =       တစ္α‚€α€€ိα€™္
11.     twice                      =       α€”ွα€…္α‚€α€€ိα€™္
12.     many times            =       ထႀကိα€™္α€™်ားα€…ြာ
13.     several  times         =       ထႀကိα€™္α€™်ားα€…ြာ
14.     almost                    =       α€œုα€”ီးပါး ၊
15.     before                    =       မတိုင္α€™ီ ၊
16.     after                       =       ၿပီးေα€”ာα€€္ ၊
17.     till                          =       တို္င္ေထာင္ ၊
18.     until                       =       မတိုင္မခ်င္း ၊
19.     up to now              =       α€šα€ုထက္ထိ ။
20.     from the earliest times      =       α€Ÿိုးေα€›ွးေα€›ွးα€€α€α€Š္းα€€ ၊

10.     Present  Perfect  Tense ( V3 )   α€€α€—်ာ
1.       Perfect ဆိုတာ α‚€α€€ိဳα‚€α€€ိဳတင္ ၊            ၿပီးေၿမာα€€္ထားေစခ်င္၊
2.       ထခုα€€ေα€œးတင္ၿပီး ၿပီα€œား၊               just α€€ိုα€žံုးေα€…α€—်ား၊
3.       ever,  never , often ပါ ၊                for  α€€ိုα€™ွတ္ႀကပါ၊
4.       already α€Ÿာ ၿပီးၿပီα€—်၊                      since α€€ -α€€α€α€Š္းα€€၊
5.       α€™α‚€α€€ာα€œွတဲ့ထခ်ိα€”္ေၿပာ ၊                   lately α€€ ထခုတေα€œာ၊
6.       α€™α‚€α€€ာ α€œွတဲ့ထခ်ိα€”္ေၿပာ၊                   recently α€€ ထခုတေα€œာ၊
7.       မၿပီးၿပတ္ေα€žာ α€žေα€˜ာα€™ွာ ၊              yet α€€ိုα€žံုးα€œိုα€€္ပါ၊
8.       ေα€™းခြα€”္း α€œႊာα€”ဲα‚”  ထၿငင္း၀ါα€€် ၊            yet  α€€ိုα€žံုးပါα€—်၊
9.       α€™ွတ္ႀကထႀကိα€™္ α€˜α€š္α€”ွα€…္ခါ ၊              once , twice α€žံုးα€œိုα€€္ပါ၊
10.     ထခါ α€™်ားα€™်ား ထႀကိα€™္α€™်ား ၊               many times α€€ိုα€žံုးပါα€œား၊
11.     ထခါ α€™်ားα€™်ား ထႀကိα€™္α€™်ား၊                several times α€€ို α€žံုးပါα€œား၊
12.     α€œုα€”ီးပါးα€€ို  α€™ွတ္ထားပါ ၊                  almost  ေα€œးပါα€€ြာ၊
13.     after  ဆုိတာ ၿပီးေα€”ာα€€္α€˜ဲ ၊             α€™ွတ္ထားα€œိုα€€္ပါထၿမဲ ၊
14.     α€Ÿိုးေα€›ွးα€€α€α€Š္းα€€ ထဓိပၸါα€š္ α€›၊         from the earliest  times ေα€œးα€—်၊
15.     before α€€ေတာ့ မတိုင္α€™ီ၊                 α€™ွတ္ႀကရပါα€™α€Š္၊
16.     တစ္ခု ခ်င္းα€…ီၿပန္α€…α€₯္း α€…ား၊                 till α€”ဲα‚”  until α€€်α€”္ေα€žးα€œား၊
17.     α€™ွတ္α€žားα€…α€›ာ ထစံုα€€ြα€š္ ၊                 up to now α€€ို α€‘α€Š့္α€₯ီးα€™α€š္၊
18.     Perfect α€›α€š္α€€  V3                       α€žဲα€œြα€”္α€… ကထေα€›းα‚€α€€ီး၊
19.     ေα€™့ၿပီးα€™ေα€”α€”ဲα‚• α€žα€ိထား၊                  Subj α€”α€Š္း -α€™်ား α‚€α€€α€Š့္ေα€…α€—်ား၊
20.     α€™်ားရင္have ထား- α€”α€Š္း has ထား၊    α€™ွတ္α€žားα€œိုα€€္ပါα€œား။

α€€ေα€œးα€™်ားထတြα€€္ ေမတၱာα€™်ားα€…ြာ ၿဖင့္
Myanmar Network

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Thoughts α€…α€€ားα€œံုးဆိုင္α€›ာ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ား

α€’ီတပတ္ English Learning: America Idioms and Expressions α€€α‚‘α€™ွာ ထေတြး (thoughts) ထေျခခံတဲ့  ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žုံးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ားျα€–α€…္တဲ့ to have second thought, food for thought, collect one’s thoughts, lost in thought α€”ဲα‚” a penny for your thoughts တုိα‚”α€€ို တင္ျပထားပါα€α€š္။

ပထမα€₯ီးဆံုးတင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€™ွာ to have second thought ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ to Have = α€›ွိေစတာ, Second = α€’ုတိα€š၊ ေα€”ာα€€္ထပ္, Thoughts = ထေတြးα€™်ား ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ α€’ုတိα€šα€‘ေတြးα€™်ားα€€ို ဝင္α€œာေစတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ α€€်မတိုα‚” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€…α€€ားထရဆိုရင္ေတာ့ ေα€žေα€žα€်ာခ်ာ ျပန္α€…α€₯္းα€…ားαΎα€€α€Š့္ၿပီးတဲ့ေα€”ာα€€္ပိုင္းα€™ွာ α€…ိတ္ေျပာင္းခ်င္တဲ့α€žေα€˜ာ။ ပထမဆံုးျဖတ္ထားတာ၊ ေျပာထားတဲ့ထေα€•αš α€žံα€žα€šα€α€„္α€œာတဲ့α€žေα€˜ာα€™်ဳိး။ α€™ေα€žα€်ာေတာ့တဲ့ α€žေα€˜ာα€™်ဳိးα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
The wedding is just a month away, but Mary is having second thoughts about getting married to John. So, we’ll have to wait and see.
မဂၤα€œာေဆာင္α€–ိုα‚”α€€ α€α€œေα€œာα€€္ပဲ α€œိုေတာ့α€α€š္။ α€’ါေပမဲ့α€œိုα‚” Mary α€€ John α€”ဲα‚” α€œα€€္ထပ္α€–ိုα‚” α€…ိတ္ေျပာင္းခ်င္ပံုေα€•αšα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€€်ေα€”ာ္တို႔တေတြ ေα€…ာင့္αΎα€€α€Š့္α€›α€™ွာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ုတိα€šα€α€„္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ food for thought ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Food = ထစားထစာ, For = ထတြα€€္, Thought = ထေတြး တုိα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၾကၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ ထေတြးထတြα€€္ ထစားထစာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€›ဲ α‚” ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€α€œα€Š္း α€›ွင္းα€α€š္α€œို႔ဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ α€žα€…္ပင္α€€ို ေα€›ေα€œာင္းရင္ α€žα€…္ပင္α€›ွင္α€žα€”္α€œာα€α€š္။ ထစားα€…ားရင္ α€œူα€Ÿာ α€žာα€™α€”္α‚€α€€ီးထြားα€œာα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€œိုပါပဲ α€₯ီးေႏွာα€€္ထတြα€€္ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားα€…α€›ာျα€–α€…္ေစရင္ ထေတြးထေα€αšα€‘α€ြα€€္ ထစာျα€–α€…္α€α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္α€™ိုα‚” food for thought α€€ို α€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္းတာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€α€”α€Š္းထားျဖင့္ ေα€œးေα€œးα€”α€€္α€”α€€္ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားေစတာ၊ ထေတြးထေα€αšα€€ို ရင့္α€€်α€€္ေα€…α€α€š္ဆိုတဲ့ ေတြးα€–ိုα‚”ေα€αšα€–ိုα‚”၊ α€”α€–ူးေα€•αšα€œα€€္တင္ ေα€œးေα€œးα€”α€€္α€”α€€္ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားေပးα€–ိုα‚” α€–α€”္တီးေပးα€–ိုα‚”α€€ိα€…α₯ရပ္။ α€’ါα€™ွα€™α€Ÿုတ္ α€‘α€šူထဆ၊ ေျပာဆိုခ်α€€္ α€…α€žျဖင့္တိုα‚”α€€ို food for thought ထီα€’ီα€šံα€”ဲα‚” α€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္းα€žံုးႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
Your discussion on democracy has given me food for thought.
α€’ီα€™ုိα€€ေα€›α€…ီα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” ခင္α€™်ား ေဆြးေႏြးတင္ျပခဲ့တာေတြα€€ α€€်ေα€”ာ့္ထတြα€€္ α€α€€α€š္ပဲ ေα€œးေα€œးα€”α€€္α€”α€€္ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားα€…α€›ာ ျα€–α€…္ေစပါα€α€š္။
ဆက္α€œα€€္တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ collect one’s thoughts ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Collect = ျပန္α€žိα€™္းα€žα€Š္၊ α€…ုေဆာင္းα€žα€Š္, One’s = တα€₯ီးတေα€šာα€€္၏, Thoughts = ထေတြးထေα€αšα€™်ား ျα€–α€…္ၾကၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တုိα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€™ွာ တα€₯ီးတေα€šာα€€္၏ ထေတြးထေα€αšα€™်ားα€€ို ျပန္α€…ုα€…α€Š္းတာ၊ ျပန္α€žိα€™္းα€šူတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ α€€ိα€…α₯တခုခုထေၾကာင္းα€€ိုုျပန္ၿပီး ထခ်ိα€”္α€šူα€…α€₯္းα€…ားတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။ α€α€”α€Š္းထားျဖင့္ ျပန္ေျပာင္းα€žံုးα€žα€•္ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားတဲ့α€žေα€˜ာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
John was glad his work day was over. Back at home he can relax and collect his thoughts about the meeting he had with his boss.
John တေα€šာα€€္ α€žူ႔တေန႔တာα€‘α€œုပ္ၿပီးα€žြားတာα€€ို ေပ်ာ္ေနခဲ့α€α€š္။ ထိα€™္ျပန္ေα€›ာα€€္ေတာ့ α€žူ α€”ားα€”ားေα€”ေα€”α€”ဲα‚” α€žူα‚” ဆရာα€žα€™ားα€”ဲα‚” ေဆြးေႏြးα€…α€Š္းေဝးခဲ့တဲ့ထေၾကာင္းα€€ို ျပန္ေျပာင္းα€žံုးα€žα€•္ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားေနခဲ့α€α€š္။
ေα€”ာα€€္ထပ္တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ lost in thought ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Lost = ဆံုးα€›ႈံးα€žα€Š္, In = ထထဲα€™ွာ, Thought = ထေတြး တုိα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၾကၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတစုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ ထေတြးထဲα€™ွာ ဆံုးα€›ံႈးေα€”α€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€žြα€š္ဝိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ α€€်မတိုα‚”ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€…α€€ားထရဆိုရင္ ထေတြးေα€›α€šα€₯္ေၾကာ ႏွα€…္ေα€™်ာေနတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
I could not answer my friend’s question immediately as I was lost in thought.
α€€်ေα€”ာ့္α€žူα€„α€š္ခ်င္း ေα€™းα€œိုα€€္တာα€€ို α€€်ေα€”ာ္ခ်α€€္ခ်င္း ျပန္α€™ေျα€–ႏိုင္ခဲ့α€˜ူး။ α€€်ေα€”ာ္α€€ ထေတြးေα€›α€šα€₯္ေၾကာထဲα€™ွာ ႏွα€…္ေα€™်ာေနခဲ့α€α€š္။
ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုးတင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ a penny for your thoughts ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ A = တခု၊ တျပား, Penny = ထဂၤα€œိပ္၊ ထေα€™α€›ိα€€α€”္တိုα‚” α€žံုးα€…ြဲတဲ့ ပဲျပားထေၾကြးေα€…့, For = ထတြα€€္, Your = α€žα€„္၏, Thoughts = ထေတြးα€™်ား ျα€–α€…္ၾကၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ α€žα€„့္ထေတြးထတြα€€္ ပဲျပားတျပား ေပးα€™α€š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€€ ၁၅၀၀ ခုႏွα€…္α€™်ားေခတ္α€€ ၿဗိတိα€”္α€€ ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာα€α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဆုိပါα€α€š္။ ထိုα€…α€₯္α€€ penny တျပားα€Ÿာ ထေတာ္ေα€œး တန္းα€–ိုးα€›ွိတဲ့ေခတ္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ α€œူတα€₯ီးα€₯ီး α€…α€₯္းα€…ားေနတာ၊ ၿငိα€™္ေနတာα€€ို α€˜ာျα€–α€…္α€œိုα‚” ၿငိ္α€™္ေနတာα€œဲ၊ α€˜ာေတြ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားေနတာα€œဲ α€žိပါα€›ေα€…α€œိုα‚” ေα€™းတဲ့ထခါ a penny for your thoughts α€œိုα‚”ေျပာၿပီး α€šα€₯္α€šα€₯္ေα€€်းေα€€်း ေα€™းတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
You seem very quiet. A penny for your thoughts?
ခင္α€™်ားα€€ို αΎα€€α€Š့္ရတာ ၿငိα€™္ေနတာပဲ။ ခင္α€™်ား α€˜ာေတြ α€…α€₯္းα€…ားေα€”α€žα€œဲ။

By ေα€’αšα€œွα€œွα€žα€”္း
Ref: VOA

Moon α€…α€€ားα€œံုဆိုင္α€›ာ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ား

α€’ီတပတ္ English Learning: America Idioms and Expressions α€€α‚‘α€™ွာ α€œα€™α€„္း (moon) ထေျခခံတဲ့  ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žုံးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ားျα€–α€…္တဲ့ reach for moon, over the moon, hung the moon, once in a blue moon α€”ဲα‚” moonlighting တုိα‚”α€€ို တင္ျပထားပါα€α€š္။

ပထမα€₯ီးဆံုး တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ reach for moon ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Reach = α€™ီွေထာင္α€œα€€္α€œွα€™္းα€žα€Š္။ For = ထတြα€€္။ the Moon = α€œα€™α€„္း တိုα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ α€œα€™α€„္းα‚€α€€ီးα€€ို α€œα€€္α€œွα€™္းα€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ moon ထစား stars = αΎα€€α€š္ေတြ ထဓိပၸါα€š္ရတဲ့ reach for the stars α€œိုα‚”α€œα€Š္း ေျပာဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€α€œα€Š္း α€›ွင္းပါα€α€š္။ α€œα€€ို α€œα€€္α€œွα€™္းα€™ီွေထာင္ α‚€α€€ိဳးα€…ားα€α€š္ဆိုရင္ α€œα€€္ေတြα‚”α€™ွာ α€™ျα€–α€…္ႏိုင္တာα€™ိုα‚” ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ α€žိပ္α€€ိုခက္ခဲα€œွတဲ့ α€™ျα€–α€…္ႏိုင္ေα€œာα€€္တဲ့ α‚€α€€ိဳးပမ္းα€™ႈα€€ို ျပဳα€œုပ္တာα€€ို ဆိုα€œုိပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
There is no harm in reaching for the moon, but you have to be prepared to face disappointment.

α€™ျα€–α€…္ႏိုင္တာα€€ို ေα€™ွ်ာ္α€™ွα€”္းα€–ိုα‚” α‚€α€€ိဳးပမ္းတာα€€ ျပႆα€”ာα€™α€›ွိပါα€˜ူး။ α€’ါေပမဲ့α€œိုα‚” α€…ိတ္ပ်α€€္α€™ႈα€”ဲα‚” ရင္ဆိုင္α€–ို႔ထတြα€€္ေတာ့ ထဆင္α€žα€„့္ျα€–α€…္α€–ိုα‚” α€œိုα€α€š္။
α€’ုတိα€š တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€€ over the moon ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Over = ေα€€်ာ္α€œႊာα€žα€Š္။ the Moon = α€œα€™α€„္း တိုα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ α€œα€™α€„္းα‚€α€€ီးα€€ို ေα€€်ာ္α€œႊာα€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€€ ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ တင္α€…ားေျပာထားတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€œူတα€₯ီးα€›ဲ α‚” α€…ိတ္α€Ÿာ α€žိပ္α€€ိုေပါ့ပါးၿပီးေတာ့ α€™ိုးေα€€ာင္ကင္ေα€•αš တက္α€žြားα€α€š္ဆိုတဲ့α€žေα€˜ာα€™်ဳိးဆိုရင္ တခုခုα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” α€žိပ္α€€ို α€…ိတ္ေပါ့ပါးတာ၊ α€›ႊင္ျပတာ၊ ဝမ္းα€žာမဆံုး ျα€–α€…္တာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုတာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
John is over the moon these days. He got a well-paying job and is soon getting married to the girl he loves.

John တေα€šာα€€္ ထခုတေα€œာ ေပ်ာ္မဆံုး ျα€–α€…္ေα€”α€α€š္။ α€œα€ေα€€ာင္းတဲ့ α€‘α€œုပ္α€œα€Š္း α€žူရထားα€žα€œို၊ α€žူခ်α€…္တဲ့ α€™ိα€”္းခေα€œးα€”ဲα‚”α€œα€Š္း မၾကာα€™ီ α€œα€€္ထပ္ေတာ့α€™α€š္။
ဆက္α€œα€€္တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးα€™ွာ hung the moon ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Hung = Hang (verb - α‚€α€€ိα€šာ)ေဝါα€Ÿာα€› α€€ ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာၿပီး ခ်ိတ္ဆြဲα€α€š္ ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ α€œα€™α€„္းα‚€α€€ီးα€€ို ခ်ိတ္α€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€œα€™α€„္းα€€ိုေတာင္ α€žြားခ်ိတ္ႏိုင္α€…ြα€™္း α€›ွိα€α€š္ဆိုရင္ ထဲα€’ီ ပုဂၢိဳα€œ္α€Ÿာ α€žိပ္α€€ိုထထင္α‚€α€€ီးခံရတာ၊ α€žိပ္ေတာ္α€α€š္၊ α€žိပ္တတ္α€α€š္α€œိုα‚” α€šူဆခံရတာ။ α€α€”α€Š္းထားျဖင့္ ေျခာα€€္ျပစ္ကင္း α€žဲα€œဲစင္α€œိုα‚” α€šူဆခံရတဲ့ α€œူα€™်ဳိးα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ေခတ္α€…α€€ားထရေတာ့ superstar ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
When I first met Mary, I thought she hung the moon and I instantly fell in love with her.

α€€်ေα€”ာ္ Mary α€”ဲα‚” α€…ေတြ႔ခ်ိα€”္α€€ α€žူα€€ို ထျပတ္ထထင္α‚€α€€ီးတာ။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္α€œα€Š္း α€€်ေα€”ာ္ α€žူα‚”α€€ိုျမင္ျမင္ခ်င္းပဲ ခ်α€…္α€žြားခဲ့α€α€š္။
ေα€”ာα€€္ထပ္တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€€ once in a blue moon ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Once = တႀကိα€™္။ In = ထထဲα€™ွာ။ Blue = ထျပာေα€›ာင္။ Moon = α€œα€™α€„္း တုိα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ထျပာေα€›ာင္ α€œα€α‚€α€€ိα€™္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာတာα€€ေတာ့ ထေα€™α€›ိα€€α€”္ျα€•α€Š္ေထာင္α€…ုα€›ဲ α‚” ျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္တခုျα€–α€…္တဲ့ Maine ျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္α€›ွိ α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားေတြα€›ဲ α‚” α€™ိုးေα€œα€α€žα€α€”္α‚”α€™ွα€”္းေျခ α€œα€€္α€…ြဲα€…ာထုပ္ထဲα€€α€œိုα‚” ဆိုပါα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီα€™ွာ ျပကၑဒိα€”္ α€€ို α€žα€္α€™ွတ္α€›ာα€™ွာ α€€်မတိုα‚” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€™ွာα€œိုပဲ α€œျα€•α€Š့္၊ α€œα€€ြα€š္α€”ဲα‚” α€žα€္α€™ွတ္α€›ာα€™ွာ α€œျα€•α€Š့္α€€ို ထနီေα€›ာင္α€”ဲα‚” α€žα€္α€™ွတ္ထားα€α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဆိုပါα€α€š္။ α€œα€Ÿာ α€α€œα€α€ါ ျα€•α€Š့္တာα€™်ားေα€•α€™α€š့္ တခ်ဳိ α‚”α€œေတြα€™ွာေတာ့ α€’ုတိα€šα€‘α‚€α€€ိα€™္ α€α€œα€‘ဲ α€œႏွα€…္α‚€α€€ိα€™္ျα€•α€Š့္တဲ့ထခါေတြα€œα€Š္း α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ α€•α€‘α€™α€œျα€•α€Š့္α€€ို ထနီေα€›ာင္ျα€α€š္α€žα€‘ားၿပီး၊ α€’ုတိα€šα€œျα€•α€Š့္α€€ိုေတာ့ ထျပာေα€›ာင္α€”ဲα‚” ျα€α€š္ျပထားα€›ာα€€ေα€” ထျပာေα€›ာင္α€œ ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ဆိုα€œိုတာα€€ေတာ့ α€α€œα€™ွာ α€œျα€•α€Š့္ႏွα€…္ခါα‚€α€€ံဳα€–ိုα‚”α€€ ခဲα€šα€₯္းα€œွα€žα€œို once in a blue moon ဆိုတဲ့ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€€α€œα€Š္း α‚€α€€ံဳေတာင့္α‚€α€€ံဳခဲ ထျα€–α€…္α€™်ဳိးα€€ိုα€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္း ေျပာတာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€žိပ္α€€ို ျပဳα€œုပ္ခဲα€œွα€α€š္ဆိုရင္ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€€ို α€žံုးα€…ြဲေျပာဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
I like to eat out at an expensive restaurant, but since I started saving, I only eat out once in a blue moon.

α€€်ေα€”ာ္α€€ ထေα€€ာင္းဆံုးα€…ားေα€žာα€€္ဆိုင္ေတြα€™ွာ ထြα€€္α€…ားတာα‚€α€€ိဳα€€္α€α€š္။ α€’ါေပမဲ့α€œိုα‚” α€€်ေα€”ာ္ ပိုα€€္ဆံα€… ဆုα€œာခ်ိα€”္α€€α€α€Š္းα€€ ေα€”ာα€€္ပိုင္းα€™ွာ ထျပင္ α€žိပ္ထြα€€္α€…ားခဲα€œွα€α€š္။
ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုးတင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ moonlighting ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Moon = α€œα€™α€„္း။ Lighting = α€‘α€œα€„္းေα€›ာင္ ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ α€œα€›ဲ α‚” α€‘α€œα€„္းေα€›ာင္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€›ဲ α‚” ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ α€œူတα€₯ီးထေα€”α€”ဲα‚” ထခ်ိα€”္ျα€•α€Š့္ α€‘α€œုပ္တခုခုα€€ို α€œုပ္α€›α€€ေα€”၊ ေα€”ာα€€္တခုα€€ို ထားတဲ့ထခ်ိα€”္ပိုα€™ွာ α€œုပ္တာα€€ို ဆိုα€œုိပါα€α€š္။ α€α€”α€Š္းထားျဖင့္ေတာ့ ေနထခ်ိα€”္α€™ွာ α€‘α€œုပ္α€œုပ္တာα€€ို moonlighting ဆိုတဲ့ α€Šα€‘α€်ိα€”္α€™ွာα€œα€Š္း ခိုးα€œုပ္တဲ့α€žေα€˜ာα€™်ဳိးα€€ုိ α€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္းတာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ တေα€”α‚”α€™ွာ α€‘α€œုပ္ (၈) α€”ာα€›ီ α€žα€္α€™ွတ္ထားတဲ့ α€žာα€™α€”္α€‘α€œုပ္ခ်ိα€”္α€™ွာ (၈) α€”ာα€›ီထက္ေα€€်ာ္ၿပီး တျခားေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ ဝင္ေငြပိုα€›ေα€œေထာင္ α€‘α€œုပ္α€œုပ္ရင္ α€€ိုα€š့္α€€ိုထခ်ိα€”္ျα€•α€Š့္ (၈) α€”ာα€›ီ ငွားထားတဲ့α€‘α€œုပ္α€›ွင္α€€ ႏွα€…္α€žα€€္ခ်င္α€™ွႏွα€…္α€žα€€္α€™ွာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။  တခါတရံ α€α€€α€š့္α€‘α€œုပ္ခ်ိα€”္α€™ွာ ပင္ပန္းα€œိုα‚” α€‘α€œုပ္ေα€€ာင္းေα€€ာင္းα€™α€œုပ္ႏိုင္တာα€™်ဳိး ထိပ္ငိုα€€္တာα€™်ဳိး၊ α€₯ာဏ္α€™α€›ႊင္တာα€™်ဳိး ျα€–α€…္တာα€™်ဳိး ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္α€™ိုα‚” α€‘α€œုပ္ႏွα€…္ခုα€€ို တြဲα€œုပ္α€›ာα€™ွာ ထပိုα€‘α€œုပ္α€€ို ထထူးα€žျဖင့္ ခိုးα€œုပ္ရတဲ့ထခ်ိα€”္α€™်ဳိးα€™ွာ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€€ို α€žံုးα€…ြဲႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
He is a doctor at our hospital, but he moonlights at another hospital during his off-days.

α€žူα€€ α€€်ေα€”ာ္တိုα‚”ေဆးα€›ံုα€™ွာ ဆရာဝန္ ျα€–α€…္α€α€š္။ α€’ါေပမဲ့ α€žူα€€ ထားα€œα€•္တဲ့ α€›ံုးပိတ္α€›α€€္ေတြα€™ွာ ေα€”ာα€€္ေဆးα€›ံုတရံုα€™ွာ α€‘α€œုပ္ခိုးα€œုပ္ေα€”α€α€š္။

By ေα€’αšα€œွα€œွα€žα€”္း
Ref: VOA

Ball α€…α€€ားα€œံုးဆိုင္α€›ာ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ား

α€’ီတပတ္ English Learning: America Idioms and Expressions α€€α‚‘α€™ွာ ေα€˜ာα€œံုး (ball) ထေျခခံတဲ့ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žုံးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ားျα€–α€…္တဲ့ the ball is in your court, get the ball rolling, keep the ball rolling α€”ဲα‚” play hard ball တုိα‚”α€€ို တင္ျပထားပါα€α€š္။

ပထမα€₯ီးဆံုး တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€™ွာ the ball is in your court ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Ball = ေα€˜ာα€œံုး, In = ထထဲα€™ွာ, Your = α€žα€„့္၏, Court = α€€ြင္း ျα€–α€…္ၾကၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ေα€˜ာα€œံုးα€Ÿာ α€žα€„့္၏ α€€α€…ားα€€ြင္းထဲα€™ွာ ေα€›ာα€€္ေα€”α€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုး ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာတာα€€ေတာ့ တင္းα€”α€…္ (tennis) α€€α€…ားα€”α€Š္းα€€ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ တင္းα€”α€…္ α€›ိုα€€္α€›ာα€™ွာ တα€₯ီးခ်င္းα€›ိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္၊ ထတြဲα€œိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္။ တဖက္α€€ α€›ိုα€€္α€œိုα€€္တဲ့ ေα€˜ာα€œံုးα€Ÿာ တဖက္α€€ြင္းα€€ို ေα€›ာα€€္α€œာၿပီဆိုရင္ ထဲα€’ီα€–α€€္α€€ α€€α€…ားα€žα€™ားα€›ဲ α‚” တာဝန္α€€ေတာ့ ပြဲဆက္α€€α€…ားႏိုင္α€–ိုα‚” ေα€˜ာα€œံုးα€€ို ျပန္α€›ိုα€€္ႏိုင္α€–ိုα‚” ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€žေα€˜ာထတိုင္းပါပဲ ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ေα€”α‚”α€…α€₯္α€˜α€α€™ွာ တဖက္α€–α€€္α€€ တခုခုα€œုပ္ေပးα€œိုα€€္ၿပီဆိုရင္ α€˜α€š္α€œိုတံုα‚”ျပန္ၿပီး ေα€›ွ ႔ဆက္α€™α€š့္ တာဝန္α€€ α€€ိုα€š့္α€–α€€္ကတာဝန္ ျα€–α€…္တဲ့α€žေα€˜ာα€™်ဳိး ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€‘α€œားတူပဲ α€€ိုα€š့္α€–α€€္α€€ေတာ့ α€œုပ္ေပးα€œိုα€€္ၿပီး α€‘α€œုပ္ျα€–α€…္α€–ိုα‚” တံုα‚”ျပန္α€™ႈα€€ တဖက္α€›ဲ α‚” တာဝန္ဆိုၿပီး α€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္းေျပာဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။

α€₯ပမာ ျα€™α€”္α€™ာႏိုင္ငံα€€ ႏိုင္ငံေα€›းျပဳျပင္ေျပာင္းα€œဲα€™ႈေတြ ေα€–ာ္ေဆာင္α€œိုα€€္ၿပီး ႏိုင္ငံတကာα€€ α€˜α€š္α€œိုတံုα‚”ျပန္α€™α€œဲ။ ႏိုင္ငံတကာα€€α€œα€Š္း ျα€™α€”္α€™ာႏိုင္ငံထေα€•αš ခ်α€™ွတ္ထားတဲ့ တခ်ဳိ α‚” ဒဏ္ခတ္ပိတ္ဆိုα‚”α€™ႈေတြα€€ို ေα€œ်ွာ့ခ်ေပးα€–ိုα‚”၊ ဆိုင္းငံ့ေပးα€–ိုα‚” ထေα€›းα€šူေဆာင္α€›ြα€€္ၿပီဆိုရင္ ျα€™α€”္α€™ာထစိုးα€›α€–α€€္α€€ေα€›ာ α€˜α€š္α€œိုတံုα‚”ျပန္α€™α€œဲ α€…α€žျဖင့္ ထေျခထေα€”α€™်ဳိးα€™ွာα€œα€Š္း the ball is in your court α€œိုα‚” α€žံုးα€…ြဲႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံေα€”α‚”α€…α€₯္α€‘α€žံုးα€€ေတာ့ α€œူတα€₯ီးထေα€”α€”ဲα‚” တဖက္α€€ ထေα€›းα€šူေဆာင္α€›ြα€€္α€œိုα€€္တာα€€ို α€€ိုα€š့္α€–α€€္α€€ α€˜α€š္α€œိုတံုα‚”ျပန္α€™α€œဲဆိုတဲ့α€žေα€˜ာα€™်ဳိးα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
I offered a price for his home more than what he asked. So, the ball is in his court. Let me know whether he wants to sell it or not.

α€€်ေα€”ာ္α€€ α€žူ႔ထိα€™္α€€ို α€žူေတာင္းတဲ့ေα€…်းထက္ပိုၿပီး α€α€š္α€™α€š္α€œိုα‚” α€€α€™္းα€œွα€™္းထားα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€žူ႔ထိα€™္ ေα€›ာင္းα€™α€š္၊ α€™ေα€›ာင္းα€˜ူးဆိုတဲ့ α€žူ႔ဆႏၡကို α€€်ေα€”ာ္ထား α€‘α€žိေပးα€–ိုα‚” α€žူα‚”α€–α€€္α€™ွာ တာဝန္α€›ွိေα€”α€α€š္။
α€’ုတိα€šα€α€„္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€€ get the ball rolling ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Get = တခုခုျα€–α€…္ေထာင္ α€œုပ္α€žα€Š္, Ball = ေα€˜ာα€œံုး, Rolling = Roll = α‚€α€€ိα€šာ (verb) ထျα€–α€…္α€‘α€žံုးျပဳထားတဲ့ α€œိွα€™့္α€α€š္ ေဝါα€Ÿာα€›α€™ွ ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာၿပီး၊ Rolling α€€ေတာ့ α€œိွα€™့္ေα€”α€α€š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ေα€˜ာα€œံုးကစၿပီး α€œိွα€™့္ေထာင္α€œုပ္တာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ တခ်ဳိ α‚” ထားα€€α€…ားα€”α€Š္းေတြα€™ွာဆိုရင္ ေα€˜ာα€œံုးα€€ို α€…α€€α€”္၊ α€…α€œိွα€™့္α€–ိုα‚”α€œိုတဲ့ ပြဲα€™်ဳိးေတြ α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€€α€œα€Š္း ထဲα€’ီα€€ေα€” ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ေα€”α‚”α€…α€₯္α€˜α€ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€€ေတာ့ α€œုပ္ငန္းတခုခုပဲျα€–α€…္ျα€–α€…္ α‚€α€€ိဳးပမ္းα€™ႈတခုခုပဲျα€–α€…္ျα€–α€…္ စတင္ၿပီး α€œα€Š္ပတ္α€–ိုα‚”၊ စတင္ျα€–α€…္ေျα€™ာα€€္α€–ိုα‚”α€€ို α€œုပ္ေဆာင္ေပးတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
I gave one thousand dollar to get the ball rolling for this project to help the orphans. I hope others will also help later.

α€€်ေα€”ာ္α€€ α€’ီ α€™ိα€˜α€™ဲ့ခေα€œးေတြထတြα€€္ ထကူα€‘α€Šီေပးα€™α€š့္ ထစီထစα€₯္α€€ို α€…ႏိုင္α€–ိုα‚” ေα€’αšα€œာတစ္ေထာင္ α€‘α€Š့္ပါα€™α€š္။ တျခားα€œူေတြα€œα€Š္း ေα€”ာα€€္ပိုင္း ထကူα€‘α€Šီေတြ ေပးα€œာပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္α€œိုα‚” ေα€™ွ်ာ္α€œα€„့္ပါα€α€š္။
Get the ball rolling α€€ တခုခုα€€ို စတင္α€–ိုα‚” α€œုပ္ေဆာင္ေပးတာျα€–α€…္α€žα€œို စတင္ၿပီးျα€–α€…္တဲ့ α€œုပ္ငန္းတခုခုα€€ို ဆက္α€œα€Š္ပတ္α€–ို႔ဆုိရင္ keep the ball rolling α€œိုα‚” ေျပာဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ Keep = တခုခုα€€ို ဆက္ျα€–α€…္ေစတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ keep the ball rolling α€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ေα€˜ာα€œံုးα€€ို ဆက္α€œိα€™့္ေစတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံဆိုတဲ့ α€žြα€š္ဝိုα€€္ထဓိပါα€š္α€€α€œα€Š္း α€›ွင္းပါα€α€š္။ α€œုပ္ငန္းတခုခုα€€ို ဆက္ၿပီးα€œα€Š္ပတ္ေα€…α€–ိုα‚” α€œုပ္ေဆာင္ေပးတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။ α€₯ပမာ α€…α€€ားေျပာေα€”α€α€š္ဆိုရင္α€œα€Š္း α€…α€€ားα€™ျပတ္၊ ဆက္ၿပီးေျပာဆိုႏိုင္ေထာင္ တခုခုα€€ို α€€ိုα€š္ကၾကားဝင္ α€‘α€œိုα€€္ထထိုα€€္ ေျပာဆိုတာα€œα€Š္း α€›ွိတတ္ပါα€α€š္။ α€˜α€”္းα€…α€€ားထရေတာ့ ေα€œα€™α€•်α€€္α€›ေα€œေထာင္၊ α€…α€€ားα€™ျပတ္α€›ေα€œေထာင္ ၾကားကဝင္ၿပီး αΎα€€α€Š့္ေျပာတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€œုပ္ငန္းα€™ွာဆိုရင္α€œα€Š္း α€œုပ္ငန္းဆက္α€œα€€္ α€œα€Š္ပတ္ႏိုင္ေထာင္ α€œုပ္ေဆာင္ေပးတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
Mary, the project director, has left. So, who will take her place to keep the ball rolling?

α€…ီα€™ံα€€ိα€”္းထႀကီးထကဲ Mary တေα€šာα€€္ α€‘α€œုပ္α€€ ႏုတ္ထြα€€္α€žြားခဲ့ၿပီ။ ထဲα€’ီေတာ့ α€œုပ္ငန္းဆက္ α€œα€Š္ပတ္α€–ိုα‚” α€˜α€š္α€žူα€€ α€žူα‚”ေα€”α€›ာ α€šူα€™α€œဲ။
ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုးတင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€™ွာ play hard ball ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Play = α€€α€…ားα€žα€Š္, Hard = ခက္ခဲα€žα€Š္၊ α€™ာေα€€်ာα€žα€Š္, Ball = ေα€˜ာα€œံုး ျα€–α€…္ၾကၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ေα€˜ာα€œံုးα€™ာα€”ဲα‚” α€€α€…ားα€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€€ ထေα€™α€›ိα€€α€”္ျα€•α€Š္ေထာင္α€…ုα€™ွာ α€œူα‚€α€€ိဳα€€္α€™်ားတဲ့ baseball ထားα€€α€…ားα€€ေα€” ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ေα€˜့α€…္ေα€˜ာα€™ွာ α€™ာတဲ့ ေα€˜ာα€œံုးα€€ို α€‘α€žံုးျပဳၿပီး α€€α€…ားၾကပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€žြα€š္ဝိုα€€္ ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ ထႏိုင္α€›α€–ိုα‚” α€€ိုα€š္α€œိုခ်င္တာα€€ိုα€›α€–ိုα‚” α€žα€™ာα€žα€™α€္α€€်α€žα€Š္ျα€–α€…္ေα€…၊ α€™α€€်α€žα€Š္ျα€–α€…္ေα€… α€™ျα€–α€…္ျα€–α€…္တဲ့α€”α€Š္းα€”ဲα‚” α€œုပ္α€šူတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။ ထထူးα€žျဖင့္ α€…ီးပြားေα€›းα€”ဲα‚” ႏိုင္ငံေα€›းေα€œာα€€ေတြα€™ွာ ခပ္α€™ာα€™ာ ဆက္ဆံတဲ့α€œူα€™်ဳိးα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။ α€€်မတုိα‚” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€™ွာေတာ့ α€’ီα€œူα€Ÿာ α€™α€œြα€š္α€˜ူးဆိုရင္ေတာ့ α€’ီ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€€ို α€žံုးα€…ြဲႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
The factory owner is playing hard ball with workers, who are on strike. He is refusing to raise their overtime pay.

α€…α€€္α€›ံုပိုင္α€›ွင္α€€ ဆႏၡျα€•α€‘α€œုပ္α€žα€™ားေတြထေα€•αš ခပ္α€™ာα€™ာ ဆက္ဆံေα€”α€α€š္။ α€‘α€œုပ္α€žα€™ားေတြ ထခ်ိα€”္ပိုေၾကး ေတာင္းဆိုေနတာα€€ို ျငင္းဆိုေα€”α€α€š္။

By ေα€’αšα€œွα€œွα€žα€”္း
Ref: VOA

Point α€…α€€ားα€œံုးဆိုင္α€›ာ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ား

α€’ီတပတ္ English Learning: America Idioms and Expressions α€€α‚‘α€™ွာ တင္ျပေပးထားတဲ့ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žုံးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ားα€™ွာ a case in point, sticking point, beside the point α€”ဲα‚” score a point တုိα‚” ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။

ပထမα€₯ီးဆံုး တင္ျပေပးထားတဲ့ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ a case in point ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ A = တခု, Case = ျα€–α€…္ရပ္တရပ္, In = ထထဲα€™ွာ (α€žိုα‚”α€™α€Ÿုတ္) α€›ွိေနတာ၊ ပတ္α€žα€€္ေနတာ, Point = (ထဓိပၸါα€š္ထမ်ဳိးα€™်ဳိးα€›ွိα€›ာα€™ွာ) noun - α€”ာα€™္ထျα€–α€…္α€žံုးရင္ေတာ့ ထဖ်ား၊ ထခၽြα€”္၊ ထစြα€”္း၊ ထငူ၊ ထဆင့္၊ ထမွတ္၊ ထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္ တုိα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး။ verb - α‚€α€€ိα€šာထျα€–α€…္α€žံုးရင္ေတာ့ α€Šႊα€”္ျα€•α€žα€Š္၊ ေထာα€€္ျα€•α€žα€Š္၊ ခၽြα€”္ျα€™α€žα€Š္ တိုα‚” ျα€–α€…္ၾကပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တုိα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ျα€–α€…္ရပ္တခုα€€ို ေထာα€€္ျပရရင္ေတာ့ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€žα€Š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€α€œα€Š္း ဆင္တူα€α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ တခုခုထေၾကာင္း α€…α€€ားေျပာဆိုα€›ာα€™ွာ α€₯ပမာျဖင့္ ေထာα€€္ျပရရင္။ α€α€”α€Š္း α€’ီထေၾကာင္းα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” ပိုα€›ွင္းα€œα€„္းေထာင္ ေျပာα€›α€™α€š္ဆိုတဲ့ ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€™်ဳိး α€šူႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။

α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္။
Smoking is dangerous to one's health a case in point is my brother John, who smokes two packs a day. He has a lung cancer, and a doctor said he won't live long.

ေဆးα€œိပ္ေα€žာα€€္တာ α€œူα‚”α€€်α€”္းα€™ာေα€›းထတြα€€္ ထႏၱα€›ာα€š္α€›ွိα€α€š္ဆိုတာα€€ို α€žα€€္ေα€žα€‘ျα€–α€…္ ေထာα€€္ျα€•α€›α€™α€š္ဆိုရင္ α€€်ေα€”ာ့္α€Šီ John α€Ÿာ တေα€”α‚” ေဆးα€œိပ္ (၂) α€˜ူး ေα€žာα€€္α€α€š္။ ထဆုတ္ကင္ဆာ ျα€–α€…္α€œိုα‚” α€žူၾကာၾကာ α€‘α€žα€€္α€›ွင္ေα€”ေတာ့α€™ွာ α€™α€Ÿုတ္α€˜ူးα€œိုα‚” ဆရာဝန္α€€ ေျပာα€α€š္။
α€’ုတိα€š တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ sticking point ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Sticking = α€’ီေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ α€”ာမဝိေα€žα€žα€” (adjective) ျα€–α€…္ α€žံုးထားၿပီး၊ ထိုးထြα€€္ေထာင္ထြα€€္ေα€”ေα€žာ, Point = ထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္ တိုα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€™ွာ ထိုးထြα€€္ေထာင္ထြα€€္ေα€”ေα€žာ ထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€žြα€š္ဝိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ ႏွα€…္α€–α€€္ၾကား ထျမင္ခ်င္းမတူ၊ မတိုα€€္ဆိုင္ျခင္း ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။

α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္။
The sticking point between two labor unions is a pay rate and working hours.

α€‘α€œုပ္α€žα€™α€‚ၢ ႏွα€…္α€–ြဲ႔ၾကား α€žေα€˜ာမတူႏိုင္တဲ့ ထခ်α€€္α€€ေတာ့ α€œα€…ာတိုးေပးေα€›းα€”ဲα‚” α€‘α€œုပ္ခ်ိα€”္ α€žα€္α€™ွတ္ေα€›းα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္ေα€”α€α€š္။
ေα€”ာα€€္ထပ္ တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ beside the point ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Beside = ေα€˜းα€™ွာ, Point = ထခ်α€€္ ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ ထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္ေα€˜းα€™ွာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€žြα€š္ဝိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€α€œα€Š္း α€žိပ္α€™α€€ြာα€œွပါα€˜ူး။ ေျပာေနတဲ့ ေဆြးေႏြးေနတဲ့ ထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္α€”ဲα‚” α€˜ာα€™ွ မဆိုင္α€˜ူးဆိုရင္ That side the point α€œိုα‚” α€žံုးႏႈα€”္းႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ မဆီမဆိုင္၊ မပတ္α€žα€€္တာ၊ α€˜ာဆိုင္α€œိုα‚”α€œα€Š္း α€žေα€˜ာα€™်ဳိး ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။

α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္။
Since we are trying to get young people to join our group. What old people think is beside the point. We don't think it's important.

α€€်ေα€”ာ္တုိα‚”α€€ α€€်ေα€”ာ္တို႔ထဖြဲα‚”α€€ို α€œူα€„α€š္ေတြ α€…ိတ္ဝင္α€…ားα€–ိုα‚” α‚€α€€ိဳးα€…ားေα€”α€α€š္ဆိုေတာ့ α€œူα‚€α€€ီးေတြα€›ဲ α‚” ထျမင္α€€ α€€်ေα€”ာ္တိုα‚”α€”ဲα‚” မဆိုင္α€˜ူးေα€œ။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€œူα‚€α€€ီးေတြα€›ဲ α‚” ထျမင္α€€ ထေα€›းα‚€α€€ီးα€α€š္α€œိုα‚” α€’ီေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ α€€်ေα€”ာ္တုိα‚” မထင္α€˜ူး။
ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုးတင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ score a point ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Score = ထမွတ္α€›α€žα€Š္၊ ေထာင္ပြဲα€›α€žα€Š္၊ ထႏိုင္α€™ွတ္α€›α€žα€Š္, A = တခု, Point = ထမွတ္၊ ထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္ တိုα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ ထမွတ္α€›α€œိုα€€္α€žα€Š္၊ ထမွတ္α€šူα€œိုα€€္α€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထထူးα€žျဖင့္ ထားα€€α€…ားα€™ွာ ဂိုးတဂိုး α€žြင္းα€œိုα€€္α€α€š္ဆိုရင္ ထမွတ္ရတဲ့ထတြα€€္ေၾကာင့္ score a point α€œိုα‚” ေျပာα€œို႔ရပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€žြα€š္ဝိုα€€္ ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€α€œα€Š္း α€€်မတိုα‚” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€˜α€”္းα€…α€€ားထရ α€™ွတ္α€šူα€œိုα€€္ႏိုင္တာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ဂ်α€€္α€™ိα€œိုα€€္တာ၊ တဖတ္α€žား ထထင္α‚€α€€ီးေထာင္၊ ထေα€œးထားေထာင္ α€œုပ္ႏိုင္တာα€€ို ဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။

α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္။
Our governor scored a point with people when he promised them he will work to reduce taxes.

α€€်ေα€”ာ္တိုα‚”ျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ ထုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ေα€›းα€™ွဴးα€€ ထခြα€”္ေငြ ေα€œွ်ာ့ခ်ေα€›းထတြα€€္ α€žူα‚€α€€ိဳးပမ္းα€œုပ္ေဆာင္α€žြားα€™α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဂတိေပးα€œိုα€€္ေတာ့ α€œူထုၾကားα€™ွာ ထမွတ္α€›α€žြားခဲ့α€α€š္။

By ေα€’αšα€œွα€œွα€žα€”္း
Ref: VOA

Call α€…α€€ားα€œံုးဆိုင္α€›ာ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ား

α€’ီα€žα€α€„္းပတ္ English Learning: America Idioms and Expressions α€€α‚‘α€™ွာ call it a day, call the shots, at beck and call α€”ဲα‚” close call စတဲ့ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ားα€€ို တင္ျပထားပါα€α€š္။

ပထမα€₯ီးဆံုး တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€™ွာ call it a day ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Call = ေα€αšα€žα€Š္၊ It = တခုခုα€€ို α€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္းα€žα€Š့္ α€”ာα€™္α€…ား၊ A= တခု၊ Day= α€›α€€္ ဆိုေတာ့ α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€™ွာ α€›α€€္တရက္α€€ို ေα€αšα€œိုα€€္α€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ α€’ီေန႔ထတြα€€္ေတာ့ α€’ီα€™ွ်ပဲ၊ α€œုပ္ေနတာေတြ ထားα€œံုးရပ္ၿပီး α€”ားα€œိုα€€္ေတာ့α€™α€š္၊ α€‘α€œုပ္α€žိα€™္းေတာ့α€™α€š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ တခါတရံα€œα€Š္း α€€ိုα€š္α€α€žα€€္α€œံုး α€œုပ္α€œာတာα€€ို ရပ္ေတာ့α€™α€š္၊ ထနားα€šူေတာ့α€™α€š္၊ ဆက္α€™α€œုပ္ေတာ့α€˜ူးဆိုရင္α€œα€Š္း call it a day α€œိုα‚” α€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္းα€žံုးႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲ႔ပတ္α€žα€€္ၿပီး George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
I am so tired after working the whole day on the accounts. I am calling it a day.
ေငြα€…ာရင္းေတြα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” တေα€”α€€ုα€”္ α€‘α€œုပ္α€œုပ္ေနရတာ ထေတာ္ေα€œး ပင္ပန္းေနၿပီα€—်။ α€€်ေα€”ာ္ α€’ီေန႔ထတြα€€္ α€‘α€œုပ္α€žိα€™္းေတာ့α€™α€š္။
ဆက္α€œα€€္တင္ျပေပးα€™ွာα€€ call the shots ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Call = ေα€αšα€žα€Š္၊ the Shots = α€’ီေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ ထဓိပၸါα€š္ထမ်ဳိးα€™်ဳိးα€›ွိေα€•α€™α€š့္ ပစ္ခတ္α€α€š္α€œိုα‚” ထဓိပၸါα€š္ရတဲ့ shoot α‚€α€€ိα€šာα€›ဲ α‚” α€”ာα€™္ (noun) ထျα€–α€…္ α€‘α€žံုးျပဳထားတာျα€–α€…္ၿပီး shots α€€ ပစ္ခတ္α€™ႈα€™်ား ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ပစ္ခတ္α€–ို႔ထတြα€€္ ေα€αšေပးတာ၊ ေထာ္ေပးတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္း ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာတဲ့ α€‘α€šူထဆထမ်ဳိးα€™်ဳိးα€›ွိတဲ့ထနက္ တမ်ဳိးα€€ေတာ့ ေα€›ွ α‚” ၿဗိတိα€žွ်α€žေα€˜ၤာေတြ α€œα€€္ထက္ကဆုိရင္ α€›α€”္α€žူα€€ို ပစ္ခတ္α€›ာα€™ွာ α€€ုα€”္းပတ္ေα€•αšα€™ွာα€›ွိတဲ့ တာဝန္α€€်ထရာα€›ွိα€€ α€˜α€š္ေα€”α€›ာα€€ို ခ်ိα€”္ပစ္α€›α€™α€š္ဆိုတာα€€ို ေထာα€€္α€–α€€္α€€ ေα€žα€”α€္α€žα€™ားေတြα€€ို ထမိα€”္α‚”ေပးα€›ာα€€ေα€” ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာα€α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဆုိပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€›ဲ α‚” ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ထဆံုးထျဖတ္ေပးတဲ့ေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ α€›ွိေနတာ၊ ထေα€›းα‚€α€€ီးတဲ့ ဆံုးျဖတ္ခ်α€€္ေတြα€€ို ျပဳα€œုပ္တာ၊ α€œုပ္ပိုင္ခြင့္α€›ွိတဲ့ေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ α€›ွိေနတာ။ α€€်မတိုα‚” ေခတ္α€…α€€ားထရဆိုရင္ α€œိုထပ္α€žα€Š္α€™်ားα€€ို α€Šႊα€”္းၾကားတဲ့ေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ α€›ွိေα€”ျခင္း ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€˜α€”္းα€…α€€ားထရဆိုရင္ေတာ့ α€žူα€€α€—ိုα€œ္ပဲေပါ့။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲ႔ပတ္α€žα€€္ၿပီး George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
Our boss Mr. Green calls the shot at work, but at home it’s his wife, who makes important decisions.
α€€်ေα€”ာ္တိုα‚” ဆရာα€žα€™ား Mr. Green α€€ α€‘α€œုပ္α€™ွာေတာ့ α€žူα€€ ထဆံုးထျဖတ္ေပးတဲ့ေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ α€›ွိေα€”ေα€•α€™α€š့္ ထိα€™္α€™ွာဆိုရင္ေတာ့ ထေα€›းα‚€α€€ီးတဲ့ ဆံုးျဖတ္ခ်α€€္ေတြα€€ိုေတာ့ α€žူ႔ဇနီးα€€ ဆံုးျဖတ္ေα€œ့α€›ွိα€α€š္။
ဆက္α€œα€€္တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€™ွာ at beck and call ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ At = ေα€”α€›ာα€€ိုျပတဲ့ ဝိα€˜α€္ (preposition)၊ Beck α€€ Beckon ဆိုတဲ့ ၁၄ α€›ာα€…ုα€‘α€žံုးα€€ေα€” ဆင္းα€žα€€္α€œာၿပီး α€œα€€္ထမႈထရာ၊ α€™်α€€္ႏွာထမႈထရာ၊ ေခါင္းα€œႈပ္α€›ွားα€™ႈα€€ိုα€žံုးၿပီး ခိုင္းတာ၊ ထမိα€”္α‚”ေပးတာ၊ α€Šႊα€”္းၾကားတာတုိα‚” ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ And = ႏွင့္၊ Call = ေα€αšα€žα€Š္ တုိα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တုိα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€™ွာ ေα€αšαΏα€•ီးရင္ေα€αšျပန္ရင္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ တခ်ဳိ α‚”α€€ေတာ့ beck and call α€Ÿာ beckon call α€€ေα€” α€€ာα€œေα€›ြ α‚”α€œ်ားα€œာေတာ့ beck and call ျα€–α€…္α€œာα€α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဆိုၾကပါα€α€š္။ α€˜α€š္α€œိုပဲျα€–α€…္ျα€–α€…္ beck and call ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ေα€…ာေα€…ာα€€ တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€”ဲα‚” α€‘α€œားတူα€α€š္α€œိုα‚” ဆိုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ ခဏခဏေα€αšαΏα€•ီး ထခိုင္းခံေနရတာေပါ့။ α€€်မတိုα‚” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€˜α€”္းα€…α€€ားထရေတာ့ ခိုင္းα€–α€€္ျα€–α€…္ေα€”ျခင္း ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲ႔ပတ္α€žα€€္ၿပီး George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
Mary bullies her younger sister Jones a lot. Jones is at her beck and call and sometimes she complaints to her mother.
Mary α€€ α€žူα‚”α€Šီα€™α€„α€š္ Jones ထေα€•αš α€—ိုα€œ္α€€်α€α€š္။ Jones α€€ို α€žူα€€ ခဏခဏ ေα€αšα€ိုင္းေတာ့ တခါတေα€œα€œα€Š္း Jones α€€ α€žူ႔ထေα€™α€€ို တိုင္းေျပာα€α€š္။
ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုးတင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ close call ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Close = ကပ္တာ၊ α€”ီးတာ၊ Call = ေα€αšα€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး တုိα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€™ွာ ကပ္ၿပီးေα€αšα€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€žြα€š္ဝိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ေတာ့ α€’ီေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ ထႏၱα€›ာα€š္α€€ေα€” α€žီα€žီေα€œး α€œြတ္တာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။ α€€ံေα€€ာင္းα€œိုα‚” α€œα€€္မတင္α€€ေα€œး α€œြတ္α€žြားα€α€š္α€žေα€˜ာα€™်ဳိး ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲ႔ပတ္α€žα€€္ၿပီး George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
We were very lucky as we got out of our house before it was burnt down. It was a very close call.
α€€်ေα€”ာ္တိုα‚” α€žိပ္α€€ို α€€ံေα€€ာင္းα€α€š္။ ထိα€™္တထိα€™္α€œံုး α€™ီးေα€œာင္ျပာα€™α€€်ခင္ α€€်ေα€”ာ္တိုα‚” α€œα€€္မတင္α€€ေα€œး ထြα€€္ေျပးႏိုင္ခဲ့αΎα€€α€α€š္။

By ေα€’αšα€œွα€œွα€žα€”္း
Ref: VOA

Color ဆိုင္α€›ာ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™်ား

ထေα€›ာင္ေတြα€Ÿာ α€žα€˜ာဝကို α€‘α€œွျα€α€š္α€›ာα€™ွာ α€‘α€žံုးဝင္α€žα€œို α€˜ာα€žာα€…α€€ားα€™ွာα€œα€Š္း ထေα€›ာင္α€”ဲ႔တြဲၿပီး ေဝေဝဆာဆာျα€–α€…္ေထာင္ α€‘α€žံုးျပဳထားတာေတြ α€›ွိတာα€™ိုα‚” α€’ီတပတ္ ထေα€™α€›ိα€€α€”္စတိုင္α€œ္ (American style) ထစီထစα€₯္α€™ွာ ထေα€›ာင္ (color) ျα€–α€…္တဲ့ ထနီ၊ ထမဲ၊ ထျα€–ဴ၊ ေα€›ႊ စတဲ့ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းေတြα€€ို ထေျခခံတဲ့ in the red, white lie, black sheep α€”ဲα‚” golden handshake စတဲ့ ထီα€’ီα€šံေတြα€€ို တင္ျပေပးα€žြားပါα€™α€š္။

ပထမα€₯ီးဆံုး တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ in the red ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ In = ထထဲα€™ွာ, Red = ထနီေα€›ာင္ ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ထနီေα€›ာင္ထဲα€™ွာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€…ာရင္းα€…α€…္α€™ွာဆိုရင္ ထနီေα€›ာင္မင္α€”ဲα‚” ေα€›းα€α€š္ဆိုရင္ α€œိုေငြျပတာ၊ ထႏုတ္α€œα€€α‘α€ာ ျပဆိုျခင္း ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€›ဲ α‚” ထီα€’ီα€šံထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ α€œိုေငြျပေနတာ၊ α€€ိုα€š္α€™ွာ ေငြα€™α€›ွိေတာ့တာ၊ ပိုα€€္ဆံα€€ုα€”္α€žြားတာ၊ ထႏုတ္α€œα€€α‘α€ာα€€ို ျပတဲ့α€žေα€˜ာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€€်မတိုα‚” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€˜α€”္းα€…α€€ားα€™ွာေတာ့ α€˜ိုင္α€€်တဲ့ ထေျခထေα€”α€™်ဳိး ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။

α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
If you keep spending money on expensive things, you will soon be in the red.
ခင္α€™်ား ေα€…်းα‚€α€€ီးတဲ့ပစα₯α€Š္းေတြပဲ α€α€š္α€šူေα€”α€™α€š္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ ခင္α€™်ားα€œα€€္ထဲα€™ွာ မၾကာခင္ ေငြα€€်α€”္ေတာ့α€™ွာ α€™α€Ÿုတ္α€˜ူး။
ဆက္α€œα€€္တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ white lie ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ White = ထျα€–ဴေα€›ာင္, Lie = α€™ုα€žားေျပာဆုိျခင္း၊ α€œိα€™္ေျပာျခင္း တုိα‚” ျα€–α€…္ၾကၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုတခုα€œံုးα€›ဲ α‚” တိုα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ထျα€–ဴေα€›ာင္α€™ုα€žား၊ α€™ုα€žားထျα€–ူေα€›ာင္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€™ုα€žားဆုိတာ α€œိα€™္ေျပာတာ ျα€–α€…္တာα€™ိုα‚” α€™ေα€€ာင္းတာျα€–α€…္ေα€•α€™α€š့္ တခါတရံα€œα€Š္း α€€်မတိုα‚” ျα€™α€”္α€™ာဆိုα€›ိုα€…α€€ားထတုိင္း α€™ုα€žားမပါ α€œα€€ၤာα€™ေခ်ာ ဆိုတဲ့α€…α€€ားα€œို α€™ုα€žားα€Ÿာ α€˜α€š္α€žူα€€ိုα€™ွ ထိခိုα€€္တာ α€™α€Ÿုတ္α€˜ဲ α€€ာα€šα€€ံα€›ွင္ α€…ိတ္ခ်α€™္းα€žာα€›ေα€œေထာင္ ထားα€”ာα€œိုα‚” ထမွα€”္α€™ေျပာα€˜ဲ ေα€€ာင္းေထာင္ αΎα€€α€Š့္ေျပာα€œိုα€€္ရတဲ့ ထေျခထေα€”α€™်ဳိးα€œα€Š္း α€›ွိတတ္ပါα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီα€œို ထေျခထေα€”α€™်ဳိးα€€ို ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးထရ white lie α€œိုα‚” ေျပာဆုိႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
She doesn’t look nice in red, but just to make her happy I told her a white lie.
α€žူα€€ ထနီေα€›ာင္ဝတ္α€…ံုα€”ဲα‚” αΎα€€α€Š့္α€™ေα€€ာင္းα€˜ူး။ α€’ါေပမဲ့ α€žူα€…ိတ္ခ်α€™္းα€žာေထာင္ α€€်ေα€”ာ္α€€ ေα€€ာင္းေထာင္αΎα€€α€Š့္ေျပာα€œိုα€€္α€›α€α€š္။
ထခုဆက္α€œα€€္ တင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ ထမဲα€€ိုထေျခခံတဲ့ black sheep ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Black = ထမဲေα€›ာင္, Sheep = α€žိုး တုိα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး တုိα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ထမဲေα€›ာင္α€žိုး ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€žာα€™α€”္ထားျဖင့္ ထျα€–ဴေα€›ာင္α€›ွိတဲ့α€žိုးα€Ÿာ ထမဲေα€›ာင္ျα€–α€…္ေα€”α€α€š္ဆိုရင္ ေα€žာတရွင္α€™်ား α€…α€₯္းα€…ားαΎα€€α€Š့္ႏိုင္တာα€€ေတာ့ ထျα€–ဴေα€›ာင္ α€žိုးထုပ္ၾကားα€™ွာ ထမဲေα€›ာင္α€žိုးα€€ - ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€…α€€ားα€™ွာ ထမဲα€…α€€္ ထင္ေα€”α€žα€œို၊ α€™်α€€္α€…ိ α€•α€žာα€’ α€€ို ပ်α€€္ေα€…α€žα€œို ေα€”α‚”α€…α€₯္α€˜α€α€™ွာα€œα€Š္း တခုခု ခ်ဳိ α‚”α€šြင္းေနတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုတာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထထူးα€žျဖင့္ ေα€™ာင္ႏွα€™α€žားခ်င္းေတြထဲα€™ွာ ေα€–ာα€€္α€–်α€€္ၿပီး α€™ိα€žားα€…ုα€›ဲ α‚” α€‘α€™α€Š္α€€ို ပ်α€€္ေα€…ျခင္း၊ ဆိုးေပေတတဲ့ α€™ိα€žားα€…ုဝင္တα€₯ီးα€€ို α€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္းေျပာဆိုတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
Jerry is the black sheep in our family. He did not finish high school and is an alcoholic.
Jerry α€Ÿာ α€€်ေα€”ာ္တုိα‚” α€™ိα€žားα€…ုα€™ွာေတာ့ ဆိုးေပေတတဲ့ α€™ိα€žားα€…ုဝင္တေα€šာα€€္ပါ။ ထထက္တန္းေα€€်ာင္းα€œα€Š္း မၿပီးတဲ့ထျပင္ ထရက္α€žα€™ားα€œα€Š္း ျα€–α€…္ေα€”α€α€š္။
ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုးတင္ျပေပးα€™α€š့္ α€‘α€žံုးထႏႈα€”္းα€™ွာ golden handshake ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ Golden = ေα€›ႊေα€›ာင္α€›ွိေα€žာ၊ ေα€›ႊα€”ဲα‚”ျပဳα€œုပ္ထားေα€žာ, Handshake = α€œα€€္ဆြဲႏႈတ္ဆက္α€žα€Š္ တိုα‚”ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€…α€€ားα€…ုα€›ဲ α‚” တုိα€€္α€›ိုα€€္ထဓိပၸါα€š္α€€ ေα€›ႊေα€›ာင္α€œα€€္α€…ြဲႏႈတ္ဆက္α€žα€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ေα€›ႊဆုိတဲ့ α€žα€ၱဳα€Ÿာ ထမ်ားα€žိတဲ့ထတုိင္း ထဖိုးတန္တာေၾကာင့္ ေα€›ႊα€”ဲ႔တြဲα€žံုးတဲ့ ေဝါα€Ÿာα€›ေတြဆိုα€œα€Š္း တန္းα€–ိုးα€›ွိတာα€€ို တင္α€…ားα€žံုးေα€œ့α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ α€’ီေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ handshake α€€ α€œα€€္ဆြဲႏႈတ္ဆက္တာဆုိေတာ့ α€œα€€္ဆြဲႏႈတ္ဆက္တဲ့ ထေα€”ာα€€္တိုင္း ထေα€œ့ထက်င့္α€€ေတာ့ α€œူခ်င္းေတြ႔ရင္ျα€–α€…္ေα€…၊ α€’ါα€™ွα€™α€Ÿုတ္ ခြဲခြါရင္ျα€–α€…္ေα€… ႏႈတ္ဆက္တာα€€ို ထမ်ားα€‘α€žိျα€–α€…္ပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္။ α€’ီေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာေတာ့ ခြဲခြါတာα€€ို α€›α€Š္α€Šႊα€”္းတာ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထထူးα€žျဖင့္ ထေျခထေနထရ α€‘α€œုပ္ျα€–ုတ္ခံα€›α€α€š္။ α€‘α€œုပ္α€€ေα€”ေα€…ာၿပီး ထနားα€šူရတဲ့ ထေျခထေα€”α€™်ဳိးα€™ွာ ထဲα€’ီα€œူα€€ို ေα€€်နပ္ေထာင္ ေα€œွ်ာ္ေၾကး α€’ါα€™ွα€™α€Ÿုတ္ α€”α€…္α€”ာေၾကးထျα€–α€…္ ျမတ္ျမတ္ေα€œး ေပးα€œိုα€€္ရတာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုျခင္း ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္α€™ိုα‚” golden handshake ဆိုတဲ့ ထီα€’ီα€šံα€‘α€žံုးα€€ α€‘α€œုပ္ျα€–ဳတ္ခံα€›α€œိုα‚”ျα€–α€…္ေα€…၊ ေα€…ာေα€…ာα€…ီးα€…ီး ထနားα€šူα€œုိα€€္α€›α€œိုα‚” ထေျခထေနထရ α€”α€…္α€”ာေၾကး ေတာ္ေတာ္ေα€œးα€›α€œိုα€€္တာα€€ို ဆိုα€œိုပါα€α€š္။
α€’ီα€‘α€žံုးα€”ဲα‚” ပတ္α€žα€€္α€œိုα‚” George Crows ေပးတဲ့ α€₯ပမာα€€ို ေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€›ေထာင္ပါ။
The company gave the manager Mr. Smith one hundred thousand dollar golden handshake as an early retirement.  His company is streamlining.
ထဲα€’ီ α€€ုမၼဏီα€€ α€™α€”္ေနဂ်ာ Mr. Smith α€€ို ေα€…ာေα€…ာα€‘α€œုပ္α€€ေα€” ထနားα€šူခိုင္းα€œိုα€€္ေတာ့ α€”α€…္α€”ာေၾကး ေα€’αšα€œာ တစ္α€žိα€”္း ေပးα€œိုα€€္α€α€š္။ α€žူα‚”α€€ုမၼဏီα€€ α€œူေတြေα€œွ်ာ့ခ်ေα€”α€α€š္။

By ေα€’αšα€œွα€œွα€žα€”္း
Ref: VOA